Is anyone able to help identify which Daphniid this is?
This female is about 0.5mm and is mature as has brood pouch & eggs.
Seems to get to about 1-2mm max for adults.
I've been using this guide but feel it takes me down a rabbit warren of similar choices
(I'm in UK so know this is US based)
It just moulted before I attached the camera, the 'ghost' carapace can be seen at the top
This female is about 0.5mm and is mature as has brood pouch & eggs.
Seems to get to about 1-2mm max for adults.
I've been using this guide but feel it takes me down a rabbit warren of similar choices
(I'm in UK so know this is US based)
It just moulted before I attached the camera, the 'ghost' carapace can be seen at the top