Hello Experts.
I am in the hobby since 2 years now and have two tanks. My main tank is what I would like to discuss today. I have a community tank that is around 180 liters. Its a planted tank and I have changed the substrate once, after a year.
I am running two filters in the tank, one built in filter that does 600L/Hr and one external canister filter that is suitable for 500L+ tanks. Both filters have a lot of biological media and I have hardscape as well in the aquarium.
Its also a heavily stocked tank with 50+ fish of 14+ species and amano shrimps too.
The problem or the weird case: Since the very beginning of my tank, I have not had ANY nitrate readings. They are usually 0 or less than 0.05. I don't do frequent water changes, maybe once every 3 months or so. I have professional testing kit and I have never been able to read any nitrates in my tests. Today I took my aquarium water for testing at a local fish shop and after doing the same test 10 times, from two different kits they couldn't find any nitrates.
I am trying to figure out if its normal or not? How is it even possible? Did I achieve a miracle? I did build my tank getting inspired and educated by MD fish tank videos.
I am wondering if this is causing any harm to my tank or not? Weird thing is this that the first year my aquarium plants were thriving and after a year they started to wilt away. That is when I changed my substrate again and put a fresh layer of root tabs and aqua soil on top of nutrient based soil and capped it with sand. Since the wilt started happening and till now, my root plants are not surviving well, leaves are becoming crispy and dark/black and non of the floating plants are surviving. I just bought a bunch of fresh plants and planted root tabs beside the roots and also added liquid fertilizer too. I do it once a month anyways but I will increase it to once a week now.
I am not sure if lack of nitrates is causing my plants to wilt or something else. The test results showed that I have everything perfectly balanced in terms of Micro and Macro nutrients just my Nitrates are 0.
Could someone offer me some advice or share a similar example? What should I be doing to keep my plants healthy? My pH is 7.8 and water temp is (24-27 degrees) it fluctuates in summers. I know the pH is high but I had a whole year of full lush growth on the same pH before it went side ways.
Looking forward to your help!

I am in the hobby since 2 years now and have two tanks. My main tank is what I would like to discuss today. I have a community tank that is around 180 liters. Its a planted tank and I have changed the substrate once, after a year.
I am running two filters in the tank, one built in filter that does 600L/Hr and one external canister filter that is suitable for 500L+ tanks. Both filters have a lot of biological media and I have hardscape as well in the aquarium.
Its also a heavily stocked tank with 50+ fish of 14+ species and amano shrimps too.
The problem or the weird case: Since the very beginning of my tank, I have not had ANY nitrate readings. They are usually 0 or less than 0.05. I don't do frequent water changes, maybe once every 3 months or so. I have professional testing kit and I have never been able to read any nitrates in my tests. Today I took my aquarium water for testing at a local fish shop and after doing the same test 10 times, from two different kits they couldn't find any nitrates.
I am trying to figure out if its normal or not? How is it even possible? Did I achieve a miracle? I did build my tank getting inspired and educated by MD fish tank videos.
I am wondering if this is causing any harm to my tank or not? Weird thing is this that the first year my aquarium plants were thriving and after a year they started to wilt away. That is when I changed my substrate again and put a fresh layer of root tabs and aqua soil on top of nutrient based soil and capped it with sand. Since the wilt started happening and till now, my root plants are not surviving well, leaves are becoming crispy and dark/black and non of the floating plants are surviving. I just bought a bunch of fresh plants and planted root tabs beside the roots and also added liquid fertilizer too. I do it once a month anyways but I will increase it to once a week now.
I am not sure if lack of nitrates is causing my plants to wilt or something else. The test results showed that I have everything perfectly balanced in terms of Micro and Macro nutrients just my Nitrates are 0.
Could someone offer me some advice or share a similar example? What should I be doing to keep my plants healthy? My pH is 7.8 and water temp is (24-27 degrees) it fluctuates in summers. I know the pH is high but I had a whole year of full lush growth on the same pH before it went side ways.
Looking forward to your help!