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CRS new tank

There you go mate, i feel robbed.
young ones are okay, adults are bland.

tank is 22c
TDS 125
GH 4
KH 0.5

inhabitants 4 ottos
Banana leaves, catappa leaves and alder cones. They are all feeding okay just have a lack of colour.



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to be honest, its the quality id expect if i wanted to test the tank water and wanted a guinea pig. not a 'high quality SSS mosura' and certainly not 9.99!

have been in contact with lucas as sharnbrook shrimp and hes sent me across some photos, wish id got in contact sooner.
i might cull the bad quality shrimp if the company refuses to help and just order from SBS.
and all from a sponsor too!!
Offer the lower quality up for sale here or give them away for postage if you don’t want to keep them but don't ''cull'' them literally!

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I agree not a 'high quality SSS mosura' maybe a low grade SSS mosura... At a tenner a go I'd be pretty disappointed..... The grading refers to pattern not colour intensity, so can be misleading, but if they were sold as high quality/grade i'd expect better!
well, im very close to shutting my account down on this forum as ive had a reply after emailing the sellers (a forum sponsor!) a picture - over a week since acclimatising them abd just getting the reply 'looks horrible'
Shouldnt be a sponsor if theyre not even proud of the products they sell.

its not worth my time selling them for postage, il just accept the hit and re-stock again.

For Now, there will be no further 'Updates' to this Journal
Why close your account? its not UKAPS fault that you have been let down by a sponsor. UKAPS cannot monitor its sponsors sales, it is a free online community run to help like minded people meet and share experience. Running a big website costs money and so sponsors are needed to fund the site. I used to run a popular fish keeping website and it was hard work, very time consuming and out of my pocket. These places are about people and expanding a hobby. I have learnt so much from here and learn more with every new journal or idea that users share. We all have bad experiences in life buying things, if a company deliver bad service you are in your rights to name and shame if they dont give you satisfactory support, but that is not UKAPS fault, just my opinon.
I wouldn't advise publicly naming them. There's no point in name calling / shaming a company, and dragging the forum down.

I agree fully with your right to complain, but using proper methods, such as discussing in private with shops / possibly even forum mods will yield better results.
Have tried emailing but theyre not interested as ive said.
better to name and shame before anyone else gets burnt
Shrimp of that low a quality should either be culled or given away £10 each is a joke
SSS grade means nothing its all about the intensity of the white which makes a shrimp high quality
You get better high quality A grades than those washed out SSS
The clear banding is from very poor breeding
Please don't name and shame the company on the forum. As stated above, ukaps cannot keep an eye on sales by our sponsors. This is a private matter, and should be dealt with accordingly.
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unfortunately private matters dont work either, if a company is unwilling to have an after sales help, then others should be told.

have collected some shrimp today from a private seller and they are fantastic quality (hand picked them myself) 9 shrimp for £32.
certainly beats the robbery of £10 a shrimp!

heres some (dodgy mobile phone) snaps of them settling in .....




what a massive difference from the quality I received from 'the un-named' forum sponsor.
just goes to show the quality of product you can get if you buy from people that really care for their animals.


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on a side note, what foods/supplements do people use for keeping their CRS happy/healthy and full of colour. (i know alot of it is down to water parameters)

on a side note, what foods/supplements do people use for keeping their CRS happy/healthy and full of colour. (i know alot of it is down to water parameters)


Mainly down to genetics