I've not seen any additional fry, and chunky is still seemingly chunky.
The fry are bigger now, around 5-7mm. It's pretty nice to see how dedicated the mothers are to keeping threats away. The father comes along and tries to help but gets his face tail slapped away.
I had 6 otocinclus delivered yesterday. It's like they didn't miss a beat, they settled in the tank almost immediately after acclimation. They even try to school with the tetra. Sometimes when they inadvertently approach a mother and her brood, they'll get nipped at a bit, and they sort of dart around the same vicinity almost confused until they eventually do swim away. A really nice addition to the tank.
The double red spends most of his time in hiding. I've ordered a couple more that are adults to help spread the aggression.
I had a few hygrophila pinnatifida delivered on Tuesday. I left it to float for the most part until today (some is still floating while I figure out where best to place it). I love the texture of the leaves of this plant and think its' addition to the tank is a welcome one. I'm not committed with what I have done with it so will play around with a few ideas.
The swords seem to have found their footing, with some leaves changing texture/pattern and soaring towards the top (well... relatively soaring...).
The sag continues to explode everywhere, with runners shooting off and coming through.
I've just cleaned the pre-filter on both filters and replaced the floss. I probably shouldn't leave it so long till I do it next time. No excuse really considering how easy the pre-filters are on the Biomasters.
There are still places gagging for more narrow leaf java ferns. I will order some in a few months.
Sorry for the schoolboy error of the reflection of light from under the curtain onto the radiator... this was not long after water change, hence the bubbles. Seems more settled and clear now.