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Corylus avellana 'Contorta' (Corkscrew Hazel)

I'm tempted to buy one in a pot to limit growth and spread (small garden). Somehow think the gorgeous one I've seen in the park might be an option if I can spot one of the park gardeners when they are working and ask them if they would save me some.
Hi all! I know it’s an old theead but I am hoping for some answers. It’s the first time I use hazel wood and I didn’t remove the bark because I noticed in an another aquarium I did for a kindergarten that plecos love to munch on the bark (in that case I used beech). Is it dangerous for the aquarium occupants if I leave the bark on? For now there are only some snails and shrimp because it’s a new setup, but I plan to add fish.
Hi all,
View attachment 223365
It’s the first time I use hazel wood and I didn’t remove the bark because I noticed in an another aquarium I did for a kindergarten that plecos love to munch on the bark. For now there are only some snails and shrimp
It should be fine. The layer below the bark might contain <"some sugar and protein"> (which is what the <"Plecs are after">), but just keep oxygen levels up and that should deal with the extra bioload.

Cheers Darrel
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