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Cory egg care for a newbie

Thanks. From what I can see mostly very expensive post from Germany and no UK supplier. I will ponder. I have added spirulina to my own attempts to culture infusoria. If I can use the green water then I will.
H all,
you can feed the green water to fry. I'd read elsewhere that the bacteria in the green smelly phase can be bad for fry.
Yes, it is very much a balancing act between food and oxygen. I might try some <"dead Oak or similar leaves"> in the breeding trap.
Anyway, as I have fry that are very wee I wanted to know if the green water was safe.
It is.

cheers Darrel
Thanks Darrel. Helpful as ever. I do have a few dead leaves in the brew. And in the tank itself. P.s. out of interest, might it help to put the containers of infusoria in a propagator, in my living room, where they would get light and warmth? Anyone know?
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I lost the second brood over night, in the big community tank. The male had been protecting them well and I'm not sure how it happened. Possibly there was too much surface agitation from the bubbles of my sponge filter – I had buffered the Fluvial and Eheim. The pair immediately bred again. This time, as the fry were not yet swimming, rather than transfer them to the small tank I gently scooped them into a Tupperware which is floating in the big tank. I will move them when they can swim, if they make it to that stage. The male was swimming everywhere looking for them. I only see 3 surviving fry in the small tank, but possibly more are hiding.
Update: my gourami is now on his 5th brood. He must be exhausted. The dilemma is that if I leave the fry in the tank they get eaten, so he breeds again, and if I remove them he also breeds again. I don't have a breeding tank and I also find it hard to ID the right female to move if I did, ie before they have already made their nest. The best method of rearing for me has been removing the fry very early into a Tupperware in the main tank, until they grow enough to transfer Ito the small fry tank. The most fry I have is c 15 from the 4th brood, where I followed that technique. I have 3 or maybe 4 in my small fry tank, from broods 1 and 2. My infusoria just won't infuse, it's been long enough but I don't think it's warm enough or light enough in my Edinburgh flat. At night I use a lamp on it. I have 1 jar in a propagator, in case that helps. I'm hopeful the fry can transition from greenish water to crushed food and BBS. I have the good and bad fortune to have a green algae bloom in the big tank – I think from using liquid carbon? – which the fry like, but which looks ugly. Water changes aren't resolving it. I'm going to add some carbon to my external filter and I am adding more plants. According to advice here green water isn't affected by ferts, so I am actually adding higher doses of the UKPS Macro and Micro, on alternate days, hoping the plants can out-compete. I reduced lights from 11 to 6.5 hours with long sunrise and sunset (maybe these should be reduced). I will post about the green water if I can't resolve it. I also have some brown dusty algae on leaves and beech wood. I have ordered more amano and I am adding ramshorn snails from other tanks. I may get some otos. I'd had no algae problems in this tank since it started in May, but I got lazy with ferts, and then the liquid carbon seemed to trigger a bloom, which seems counter-intuitive. So much to learn...