Early this morning nitrite measured a more vague 0.025 or less, good stuff.
The fish got another large water change either way but it seems the train is somewhat back on track.
I went out to the LFS and picked up some plants, one of them planned and some of them not so planned.
I got large stems of Myriophyllum mattogrossense, Myriophyllum tuberculatum, Proserpinaca palustris and Nesaea crassicaulis. They were really cheap so I figured id give them a try. The Proserpinaca is probably the hardest one, havent tried it before.
I got a lot of small shoots of Hygrophila polysperma green, this one I had at the top of my wishlist so very happy I got it.
Mixed in with the polysperma shoots were a bunch of little water lettuce plants, which I thought was a real bonus.
I havent tried this floater before.
My goal in life is to kill one of every kind of plant. Just kidding. But it will be nice to try it.
I also got a cup of invitro frogbit. I know I swore it off for good last time, but this time is the last time, honest

The water lettuce was meticulously inspected for pests, they didnt have many roots so that made it easier. I didnt feel like they would tolerate a chemical dip with their delicate peach fuzz hairs. After getting an all clear they were placed into protective custody in the main tank with the frogbit. This setup is hopefully gourami proof.
I also got a cup of invitro pinnatifida, all the big boys are killing this plant and I wanna get in on that action. I try to give plants I buy a good squint before buying, especially invitro cups, but I should have squinted harder at this one. I thought all the leaves were just brown colored, but as I took it out of the pot 95% of the leaves fell off the plant. They were not brown colored, they were completely wilted 😅 Oops..
Left behind were a few bits of stem and some very puny looking pink white shoots. I carefully split the pot in two and they have been gently attached to each their rock.
The way I figure it, this is a win win situation.
If I do get this to survive and grow, I will immediately take position as the
alpha of the pinnatifida growers, and everyone will look to me on how to grow this plant.
And if it dies, which it probably will, no one will think anything of it, as I had such poor odds
I got an invitro cup of Blyxa japonica, think this is part of Tropicas recent limited edition run. The shrimp used to love it, and Ive been missing it ever since I killed it off so..
One more try. Im trying out a new thing, which is planting into pots. Ive ordered some in glass, but for now plastic will do.
I have a bad habit of moving stuff around a lot, which bothers all my rooted plants.
So maybe this will make it easier on them? We shall see.
I gave them some slightly coarser sand as well, for oxygenation.
I can bury the pots in the sand later, but for now they are just sat ontop of the sand. I plan to plant the stems this way too.
Also got a loose portion of supposed susswassertang, that looks really weird to me.
It has a lot of little bits growing out of it, it may be trying to turn back into a fern? Idk, I need to read up on it a bit more.
Im really glad Im running quarantine on everything now, including plants (but excluding invitro), as I found honest to god ****ing leeches in the susswassertang.
Not planaria, not rhabdocoela but sideways wriggling gross leeches.
Now ive had quite enough of "Hufsa TM unpleasant surprises", so I dont need this kind of negativity in my life.
I like detritus worms and little flea things, I tolerate rhabdocoela purely on the basis that they are not planaria but also hard to get rid of, but leeches?
I performed my very first potassium permanganate dip on the four bunches of stems mentioned above. I didnt like it much. The recipe I found was very vague and didnt say how much to add. Just "dark pink". That could mean anything. So im not sure if I did it right, I may have overdosed. Usually I realise im doing something stupid AFTER ive already done it, but this time I managed in a moment of uncharacteristic clarity to start having doubts about half way through. I decided not to dip the rest of the plants until ive done some more reading. The nuked stems are resting in a bucket with clean water and a lot of Prime, and I figure if they are going to die on me then its better they do it in the bucket than in the tank.
Just because it cheers me up, a picture of a little corydoras pygmaeus fry.
Ill finish off with one of the grey fishsticks. Hes mad at me for removing all the wood, and also the caves.
I just want them to stop breeding for one gosh dang second while I take care of all the other stuff.
He has buried himself in protest.