I just hope my energy will replenish soon, not getting much done with the tank at this level 💩
Well I havent exactly been massively productive 😥 but I have done a little bit each day, just chipping away slowly at the stuff I need done.
Its been hard, especially working with those black pvc pipes and fittings have been
like pulling teeth, ugh just one obstacle after another.
Today I spent virtually all the day getting caught up on plant care and trimming, cleaning intakes and skimmer etc etc. I was falling behind on it because I was trying to get the plumbing stuff sorted.

"Thunder Buddies": Its nice to have someone to snuggle up with under a plant when the terrifying human is doing renovations

Theres a -uh small contrast between the tail end of the Long Serpent / Silver Noodle and one of the chunky kuhlii females
The algae is starting to wear me out a bit, manually removing it and keeping the skimmer and intake meshes clean of it takes up most of the "weekly energy allowance" that I would normally spend on regular maintenance and trimming.
So I run out of energy doing that and cant trim the plants etc when I see that they need it.
Its similar to something ive seen other aquarists struggle with. They have an algae problem, they're not sure what the cause is but they do manual removal while they try to figure it out. But the algae doesnt end unless you get the cause (or the cause passes for natural reasons) and most people get tired and fed up between 2 - 8 months into the struggle.
This is the main reason I dont think manual removal alone is a good idea. Because algae doesnt get tired, but every aquarist has their limit.
Ive been pulling out liters of hair algae ever since last fall, so its been a while already. Ive gotta get at the cause soon. And if I have to pick between doing something about the very visible algae symptoms or doing something about a potential cause of the algae, then im gonna have to try to go for the cause(s), otherwise there would be no end to it.
So thats why ive been working on the plumbing and reactor and falling a bit behind on the trimming. But more caught up now

I also pretended to be a humongous-godzilla-sized-sand-snail
(I made the roaring sounds in my head) while I was pulling out plants for trimming. I gave the sand a bit of a stir and a good loosening to hopefully help the plant roots a little bit in lieu of the snails.
All these activities clouded the water a bit, so no FTS for
@plantnoobdude 😋 Ill try to remember to take one tomorrow when its all cleared up again 😇
The Thiara snails I ordered were shipped today, so im eagerly looking forward to receiving them. They will have to spend some time in quarantine though, theres no way around that.
And I also gotta test if the sand thats in the main tank has been permanently tainted by the No Planaria treatment or not.
The fish in the quarantine tank continue doing well, I saw hints of spawning activity a few days ago so they seem pretty comfortable 😅 I didnt mention what they are!
They are Corydoras pauciradiatus (presumably, ID by me. Store first told me they were Corydoras barbatus

Formerly called Aspidoras pauciradiatus, and before that they were Corydoras. But as of 2022 they are Corydoras again.
I fell in love with them immediately when I saw them 😍 Amazing to "discover a brand new" dwarf cory, that had somehow remained completely hidden to me all these years.
These guys are just a smidge bigger than Corydoras pygmaeus 🥰
Unfortunately there were just the five of them, and they might be a bit rare on stocking lists.
So im not sure how soon I can get them any buddies. I hope they will be comfortable enough hanging out with kuhlis and otos for a while.

This is little Timmy 😊 His deformity is only well visible in certain angles, in other angles he looks fine or just a little bit odd like here.

The one thats completely missing a pectoral fin is a female, so ive named her One-Arm-Annie.
Shes very cute and reminds me of cow tipping every time I see her, because shes a bit rotund and tends to tilt a bit sideways when resting. Shes one 'pod short of a tripod 😅

One of the "normal ones". I think there might be four males in total, although its possible one of them is a slender female. Annie is Annie.
I would be very happy if they start spawning for real later on, and the fry would survive. Then they'd have a bigger group, five is not a huge crowd.

Still thinking about sand 🤔 This is a sample of 0.6-0.7 mm sand on top of my regular sand.
I could understand how the plant roots might feel differently about this, it does look more "breathable". (Pls
@_Maq_ dont be angry 😂)
It just looks a bit more open, quite different. The grainy look from this mm range isnt too bad. If I go above 0.7 it gets too speckled for me, at least in this sand type.
Unfortunately I discovered they're no longer producing this line of sand ☹️☹️☹️ I like this sand a lot, it has really really rounded grains, more than most sand types ive inspected

But if I wanted to go for it, getting any more bags might prove very difficult.
The brown sand is still in testing, sitting in a jar of acid at the moment. It leaks a lot of iron. Need to check how much it leaks at "normal" acidic aquarium PH levels.
Keeping an eye out for nice bits of sand while im on trails with the dog (yes I am clinically insane).
Stay tuned for the FTS coming up, its got a black spray bar 🤓😎🤩🥳🤯