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View attachment 192508
I tried something new with the FTS, apparently my phone DOES have a pro mode and I just had to swipe right to find it. Only took what.. five years and my SO pointing it out for me

I turned down the ..whatchamacallit and got a picture without the tops of the plants super white. Might have gone a touch too dark but eh, next time 😁
Plants are still doing much better

I think I need to just keep experimenting to find the right dose and replenishing for my tank now that the water changes are more normal.
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Theres more green now in Marilia, this is a good thing. Before it was basically only red (and yellow) pigment on white, which looked very pretty but this is healthier. Now there is chlorophyll here too.
It can probably color up more in higher light, but im going to chill with the lights on this current level for a while, while I sort out
the raging dumpsterfire some of the problems in my tank 😁
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Stargrass is green again, woohoo! There is still a bit more green to be had on the newest growth, I want to get it all the way to max green, but I think I should let things just grow out for a couple more weeks before deciding to try adjusting the micros. (Do you hear this future-Hufsa? At least one week!)
I saw Burr has posted online again with the latest update to his micro mix, might try emulating that recipe later on, it seems to have a good track record.
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Cuba is recovering with improved color in the tops. These guys were replanted quite short a while ago, and then I made the mistake of putting them too crowded into each other and other plants. This significantly affects the growth of the plants and should not be disregarded. I removed some of the plants surrounding them, but they should get even more space next time I replant. Then there was the week of record water changes and record unhappy plants, and they all more or less stunted. But thats ok, they're coming back now and I have a good reminder to not skimp on the basics such as crowding and placement.
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Greener Polysperma too 😊 I feel like these also should be even greener than this overall, both in new growth and old growth. Im going to front load a bit more on todays water change, so we'll see if that helps.
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Ive reduced the group of Rotala rotundifolia "Pink/Rosa". I think this plant might need an absolutely insane light intensity to turn even slightly pink or something

Im not enjoying this plant and with how full my tank is there is no room for plants that I dont enjoy.
Ive started an emersed culture of this variety and as soon as that is established and growing, this group in the tank is getting booted out.
Theres too many nice precious plants in this world to have "somewhat green rotala rotundifolia" hanging around
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Tonina recovering color at Tonina speed 😅 Steady does it.
This group also needs more room because its neighbors are creeping up on it.
Ill do a bit of trimming later and some during the next days.
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I ended up trimming the entire bush of Super Red last time, and all the new shoots look good.
The stunting/curling might very well have been a reaction to the water column bottoming out completely.
Ill continue to keep an eye on it to see if it happens again.
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My poor Blyxa still looks like **** but if everything else is coming around then this will too.
Im moving some plants around soon and will put this one where there is less light
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Pantanals in newest pot of Aquasoil continuing to do ok. They're a bit crowded so two of the smaller ones arent getting what they need.
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Their buddies on the right arent quite as happy hehe but this pot only has a very thin layer of Aquasoil, and these stems had the tops removed a while ago. Pantanal did not approve.
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Interestingly the two Pantanals in just sand are also continuing to do ok. They are slightly smaller than their aquasoil-cousins but decidedly ok looking for my tank.
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R mac also needs moving soon. There are a few small deformities to the leaves, but I know for certain that my surface agitation is not the same day to day, so im not too fussed.
Im pretty disgruntled that the heatwave is back, I was super ready for autumn which is my favorite season. Cozy sweaters and my favorite slippers... so close yet so far away 😥
The CO2 is going to be suboptimal until I can remove the fan, put the lid back on the tank and get evaporation under control again.
Decided a while ago not to stress about it so im just waiting for better days 😊