Im really not feeling well as I am writing this, so the update is a bit short and unedited. Still dealing with the aftermath of the virus coupled with making some existing health issues worse, so it is what it is. The pictures are uncropped and probably not the best.
Firstly the happiest news I have had in a while, exactly a week ago I was watching the tank when I suddenly saw a silvery flash go by in a little hole in the wood. The Long Serpent lives! The cheeky little monkey had me thinking he was 6 feet under, pushing up daisies and pining for the fjords, that I had somehow missed finding the body and the rest of the inmates had disposed of the evidence. But no, this sneaky little snake has been hanging out in his own personal clubhouse having a jolly good time, leaving me worrying all week for nothing!
He was eventually convinced to come out using some earthworm sticks as bait, although it took him at least ten minutes of sniffing the water, throwing his head to and fro in anger that he had to leave his cosy little cubbyhole to get at the food, and then some more pined considerations until he finally came tumbling out.
Ive since seen him out and about a few times, but he appears to spend most of his time in the wood. He seems to have memorized an easy way of getting in and out, as I can be looking at him one moment, turn my head and the next he is gone and will eventually appear in his little window. The majority of the wood is hollow, so I think he is entering from the end of the branch and slithering his way up somehow.

He came out again a few days ago to have a bit of a smorgasbord with his friends. I wonder if an assembly of noodles can be called a spaghetti.

FTS. Plants are meh. Mixed bag.

The tangle in the middle is a second crypt "rescued" from the LFS, if all goes to plan this one and the existing one to the left are "Silver Queen". Right now they're not looking much like anything, so only time will tell.

Unhappy Tonina and Pantanal, Pantanal is doing some stunting looking business and the Tonina just looks pale. Cuba is still a bit pale but growing pretty well and increasing in size unlike its poor brother.

Rotalas not showing much improvement that I can see. I havent changed any of the ferts from last I wrote, ive just been too sick.
Cryptocoryne purpurea seems happy and is sending out increasingly larger new leaves. C. fusca "Queen Vandom" is sending out a new fat looking leaf as well. At least I can grow something 😕 Narrow brownish looking leaves to the right of it is Cryptocoryne ferruginea I picked up at the same time as the second Silver Queen.

Ammannia pedicellata "Golden" has stunted real good. I wonder if the increase in ferts did it, or if it was something else entirely. Not enough data to conclude anything. Ammannia crassicaulis or whatever the correct name is seems ok enough, a few stunted stems but the ones that are growing look good. Both Pogostemon and Guyana seem just fine.
I havent gotten around to a water change yet, its half a week overdue. I ran out of the premade remineralizer and my brain has just been too foggy to work out how much CaSO4 and MgSO4 to add to the water change barrel from the seperate powders I have. Hope to have it done by the weekend
Will leave you with this picture I have titled "Existence is pain - food too far away"