Yidao reactor and Camozzi needle valve has arrived, so now I have everything I need to get started

Will spend the day crammed halfway into the aquarium cabinet getting everything plumbed in and hooked up, if im really lucky it will be ready for the photoperiod tomorrow morning, if not then well, it will be ready when its ready. On to-do list for today is overhauling the hoses on the Ultramax, removing the inline heater and fitting the reactor instead. Moving autodoser to the right side of the cabinet and mounting it (again). CO2 tank moving to the left side, securing the needle valve, non-return valve and bubble counter in suitable way. And then replumbing the Eheim to take the inline heater. In no particular order

The JBL dropchecker has already been set up in the tank for a little while, im using the 20ppm CO2 indicator fluid so it should be easier for me to get dialed in to my desired levels. I was thinking of starting with an end target of 15ppm, and then I have some allowance for things to fluctuate without exceeding 20ppm. And then long term I think I want to try 20ppm.
I will see what my otos have to say about it too. I mean that not in a way that I will make them gasp and then back off a little bit, and thats a good level, no no. Just that if they seem grumpy with me for trying 20ppm later on then that amount is not set in stone. Ive gotten pretty good at reading my otos. Yesterday I was ogling a bit of moss with my face plastered to the glass, and one swam up right infront of me, looked me right in the eyes and told me he was feeling peckish. I dropped a little bit of food into the tank and off he went.