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Colour popping - CRS

George Farmer

21 Jun 2007
I've used Elements to take all the colour away from the image, except the red in my crystal red shrimp.

It's a technique known as "colour popping", and can be quite effective at highlighting the subject.

It's all good fun!

Hi George, very good picture mate tell us how to do this clever clogs 🙂 regards john.
Thanks, John.

This was really simple.

Go to the 'Enhance' menu. It may be called something different in newer versions.

Go to the 'Adjust Color', then select 'Hue/Saturation'.

Go to the 'Edit' drop down and change from 'Master' to all the colours individually, except red, and drag the 'Saturation' silder to -100.

Easy peasy!

For more advanced stuff, check out - http://www.photoanswers.co.uk/Video-Tut ... Photoshop/

Good photo George, really like the effect, congrats 🙂

I work on the principle if you take enough photos, one of them will turn out ok...

The post processing is almost just as much fun!
makes for a nice desktop! cheers George
George Farmer said:
I work on the principle if you take enough photos, one of them will turn out ok...
That makes two of us, I really need an upgrade to my old Minolta its playing up lately, not focusing properly.
Will have a look at the new Sony Alphas since I can use the same lenses.