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CO2 levels problem

Yes that’s right.
I’m still having an old dropchecker inside, and that one change the color fast now.
It looks that that reactor wasn’t good solution.
I took [mention]Shuster [/mention] advice and bought intank atomizer, it looks it does job good.

Now with 6 bps I have lime green after two hours off co2.

Hope that I’m a week or so I will see progress with plants

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What do u think, what is the most accurate method for checking co2 levels?

I think that kh ph chart is not correct if we are dosing ferts, because phosphate is raising kh.

For me the most accurate is drop checker with 4dkh solution. Ok it is not responding in real time but still I think that it gives the most reliable results.

And fishes can be used for checking hi levels

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I use my drop checker and a PH pen. I'm not a fan of the "1 point drop" anymore, mainly because i can't achieve it in my tank without stressing the fish, even with good surface agitation.

My co2 comes on 3hours before my lights so I use my drop checker and dial in the co2 so that at lights on it is very lime green and then verging yellow an hour into photoperiod. I use my ph pen to gage how stable my co2 is, my PH drops by 0.8 and is stable from the beginning to the end of the photoperiod.

I would use these two method rather than rely on one. stable co2 is more important than how lime green/yellow the drop checker is.
Totally agree.
I have bought my ph pen yesterday, so during weekend I will follow it and adjust it more.

I would like to say sorry to [mention]Shuster [/mention]
for me commenting his 0,5 ph drop.
I was blinded with that “1 ph drop” because lot off people recommended it on forums.
But now it’s clear for me that if u are adding ferts and your kh is hi, 1 ph drop can add a lot more co2 than 30ppm. And u can stress your fishes like u just said.

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Totally agree.
I have bought my ph pen yesterday, so during weekend I will follow it and adjust it more.

I would like to say sorry to [mention]Shuster [/mention]
for me commenting his 0,5 ph drop.
I was blinded with that “1 ph drop” because lot off people recommended it on forums.
But now it’s clear for me that if u are adding ferts and your kh is hi, 1 ph drop can add a lot more co2 than 30ppm. And u can stress your fishes like u just said.

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Yup pretty much, find what works best for you. You may need more co2 to compensate for flow or more light.

I like the "1 point drop" idea, i used it in my old tank and was great. But i do believe it gives you more co2 than needed and the drop checker is yellow. I feel like sometimes when you push the co2 too much you are more likely to run into co2 related alage, probably because it's harder to keep very high levels of co2 more consistant than a little lower amount. So for me, i found it hard to have a consistent 1ph drop without stressing my fish and running into co2 related algae, so i dropped it down to a consistent and stable 0.8ph drop and things are better.
[mention]Sammy Islam [/mention] thank u for advice and for that u shared your own experience with co2 in your aquarium.
It helped me with my dilemmas.

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Hi [mention]jaypeecee [/mention] ,
Probably I didn’t write it properly, was in hurry.
I have never putted my fishes in danger.

When ever I doo some adjustments with co2 I’m next to them carefully watching their behavior to make sure that they are okay.

By using fishes for checking co2 I meant more if u see your fishes behave little bit lethargic, lazy, slower responding to feeding, u may be putting more co2 than u should. Different fishes can tolerate different levels off co2. And also depends how much oxygen does water contain.

All I wanted to say is that fishes are making our limit in injection rate off co2, and they should be as happy as the plants.

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Hey people, I bought JBL atomizer which have bubble counter and now I see that my bubble counter has smaller bubbles that JBL.
I was thinking there is some standard with bubble size there.
Now my 8 bps on old bubble counter is actually 5bps on JBL.
So maybe I’m not putting a lot off CO2 anyway.

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