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CO2 levels problem

Temperature is around 26 Celsius
Drop checker is on the right side, lily pipe on the left. It is 5cm under surface.
Butt now I'm thinking to move it, because I putted it like that before i Installed reactor, and then I didn't have bubbles in the water.
@Nikola, have Giu checked that your reactor is connected correctly? With that sort of reactor, co2 is usually I je D.C. at the bottom, and after flow is top to bottom, this maximising contact time between co2 and your water. In your setup, you seem to have lots of bubbles swirling around the top of the reactor.
@hypnogogia this reactor has intake off water on top, and makes strong vortex there and moving down. So it goes trough bubbles all the time and pushes them down. This INSTA MAX m Reactor is working like that
Temperature is around 26 Celsius
Drop checker is on the right side, lily pipe on the left. It is 5cm under surface.
Butt now I'm thinking to move it, because I putted it like that before i Installed reactor, and then I didn't have bubbles in the water.
There is almost no surface agitation. (Not related to your issue)

How old is you 4dkh liquid in the DC?

In your case, I can suggest 2 things.

1 troubleshooting you diffusion as follows
Get cheap diffuser plastic from ista or atomizer from eBay or Ali... As which I uploaded the green one
Around 3$

And replace diffusion method for test purpose.

2. Buy co2 test (costs around 20$... )

Kind of "take it or leave it"

Both end i wish you the best luck on that matter 😉

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@Shuster your tank looks good, really healthy looking plants. How do you create that effect of the falling sand?
Thank you 😉


There are lots of vids on you tube.

Two types

Air flow or water flow
My is water flow)

Like the following on :

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I have tried already with ceramic one, the same thing.
I didn't say, I have a surface skimmer. So it contribute a little bit to the lose.
But my head will blow up today, whole day checking setting...now I changed CO2 bottle to check even that.

I had DIY yeast and sugar CO2 before this.
And with ceramic difusser under filter intake with 2bps I had lime green checker always . But it was running all day night(at night air stone was on).
It is like 12 days old.
Let me get home today... I'll record a short video...

I have the following running:

Surface skimmer
Water agitation 2 filters... Making that.
Water temp 26°
Air stone running 24/7 (don't ask why haha)

Regarding your issue...

Have you used the same Reactor with the yeast mixture?

My diffuser provides much smaller bubbles... (Microbubbles)

Could be related as well.

As far as I know, the best diffusion is the one that 100% dissolving the bubbles 😉

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Have you used the same Reactor with the yeast mixture?

I dindn’t, it was on ceramic difusser under the intake of a canister filter.
And then I was using the same setup just with pressurized co2, but not running at night and didn’t get lime green in the morning.

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Hi again,
I just got my kh test, and it is 12.
Is that good?
Maybe because off that my ph doesn’t fall down under 7.
On chart on 7 ph and 12kh is around 30ppm
So my co2 is good?

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[mention]Shuster [/mention] I bought plastic intank atomizer, I will try with that these days

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One more thing, I have measured go again, because I didn’t do it since I’m adding magnesium with EI.
My gh is 14!

Tap water gh is 9

What to do? To stop using magnesium?

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If your tap water has enough calcium and magnesium then no need to dose that.

Co2 will dissolve better in colder water so that may help.

Are your plants healthy and pearling? It may be that your co2 levels are fine and your drop checker is faulty.
Hi [mention]Diogo Sousa [/mention] yes, my plants are pearling, butt now little bit less than before, because I dimmed a light a little bit.

Well my plants are not so good, I was struggling with some hair algae which disappeared when I turned down the light.
Last week I have planted some montecarlo which was growing emmersed, and it’s old leaves are rooting away and I started getting diatoms around it and on some more plants.
And again I have a little bit of hair algae.

At the same time I have started dosing EI.

I have bought today stronger filter, its 50% stronger than old one so I turned up my flow a little.

Hope that flow will make situation better for the aquarium plants.

Today I’ve also got an intank atomizer, and jbl dropchecker with their solution I’m testing it now.

It seems that I’m getting better results with it, co2 is rising faster.

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