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CmLaracy's 90P ADA

Yellow rasbora are green and would look cool in there looks really peaceful and tranquil really nice
very very nice, oits not very often at all i get the feeling to create an iwagumi but this has really got me thinking 🙂 I know id end up with many more plant types, adding a little red here, a stem there...oh and a little moss blah blah and boom.....ive ruined it haha.
very very nice, oits not very often at all i get the feeling to create an iwagumi but this has really got me thinking 🙂 I know id end up with many more plant types, adding a little red here, a stem there...oh and a little moss blah blah and boom.....ive ruined it haha.
hahaha! thanks man

I'm trimming almost a golfball worth out each day, can't keep up with nitrates and phosphates either despite 40L+ of brand new aquasoil... blown away by these tissue cultures. They have changed the game.

60 green neons ordered and 20 green Neocaridina, on their way. Here's the FTS (trimmed again since taking this shot last night)


Thanks! Decided to get a little contrast with some green neons, as they're a nice deep blue and small enough to not throw off the scale. Also they school which is important to me.

I'm trimming almost a golfball worth out each day, can't keep up with nitrates and phosphates either despite 40l+ of brand new aquasoil... blown away by these tissue cultures. They have changed the game.
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I don’t recall what your water parameters are - I suggest requesting information from the green neon & shrimp suppliers

Then check TDS of water they arrive in

(Recently received a transshipment of fish, shrimp etc and I’m guessing someone added salt to the shipping water (or holding tanks) ... Chocolate gouramis were in 450TDS, several shrimp and other fish were equally high TDS - unexpected as this did not conform to the parameters forwarded by the sale team (& previous shipments from supplier))
You’ll need to dump some more pathway stones atop the rampantly growing HC 😀
I keep my water very soft. There will be an extensive, many hour drip acclimation. I shoot for 4dGH and 1dKH but it’s tough with this much seiryu stone constantly dissolving. Lots of water changes.
Pearl Valley (still trimming bits every day):




60 green neons and 20 green jade shrimp arrived a few weeks ago, 0 losses! Drip acclimation is the best. Both are loving the soft water, GH at 4, cant get my KH below 3... darn seiryu stones are forcing me to do a 50% WC every other day to keep the hardness in check. And it's mostly calcium, so I'm dosing small amount of magnesium at water changes.
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You’ll need to dump some more pathway stones atop the rampantly growing HC 😀

already had to numerous times, and it's way worse now (photos are from a week or two ago) It's still eating them up despite my best efforts to trim. I honestly have to give the whole tank a light trim every other day to keep light getting down to the roots. The stones were there first and foremost for creating a barrier, I've never done sand and was so scared of any mixing. The aesthetics were a close second but as a result, I'm fine if they eat up the stones as long as it means the sand stays perfect.
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Very much an early ADA iwagumi inspired! Very meticulously done.

With this sort of scape, fish may not be comfortable due to lack of cover and very bright light.

Maybe consider some floaters (remove for photos) or at least some dithers like endler males.
We did the “final photoshoot” with livestock, we just have to edit the shots in post due to exposure and color balance etc. My fiancé does this for a living and we will be doing it tonight, updates are coming!

As of right now it’s very overgrown, as my arthritis has limited my ability to constantly trim the carpet.