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Cleaning changing filter media

They are baked together from the cheapest materials. If you like that, then buy them. They don't have any special features. There is no proof of the advertising promises that are made.
Its not about what I like or not, I am doing my research and exploring the combination of mechanical, biological and chemical filter media without affecting the flow rate
... combination of mechanical, biological and chemical filter media without affecting the flow rate
In reality, it is not possible without influencing the flow rate. You have to find the best personal compromise. And the best compromise for me is definitely not to use any ‘biomedia’. But media that are guaranteed to work. As efficiently as possible. No matter how cheap they are.
Hw did you find that out?
Years back I was looking into it for my ponds and came across his real name as the seller. A bit of googling seemed to confirm it. I then stopped watching his videos… so don’t know how open that knowledge is nowadays. Some google fu should confirm it.
Edit: Probably best to caveat that with its my understanding / recollection and may well be incorrect.
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and came across his real name as the seller
without declaring the financial interest

If you are talking about pondguru I don't believe he ever tried to hide the fact that he was selling biohome. In fact he never misses an opportunity to shamelessly promote his product. (If you are talking about someone else then ignore this.)
If you are talking about pondguru I don't believe he ever tried to hide the fact that he was selling biohome. In fact he never misses an opportunity to shamelessly promote his product. (If you are talking about someone else then ignore this.)
Thanks for the update / correction 👍
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Porosity is not important. As soon as heterotrophic bacteria have overgrown the pores, the pores are completely insignificant. They are simply no longer there.
A fellow Hungarian aquarist has run some > experiments < using a scanning electron microscope to examine the inside of some popular filter media. There were barely any bacteria inside the pores; basically, only the surface was populated.
Its not about what I like or not, I am doing my research and exploring the combination of mechanical, biological and chemical filter media without affecting the flow rate
Someone on here showed how they stacked their Sera Siporax media end-on in the canister basket, presumably to optimise flow.

If the person who did this is still on here and sees this, could you post the picture again please. 😊

Edit: I found some pictures online. Plus a comment from on here a while back.


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