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Cherry shrimp dying off gradually

OK a small update. I've been doing the 25% weekly water changes and last week began to increase my ferts towards their original levels.

TDS seems to be sticking to the 360s and only had maybe 2 shrimp deaths in the past month (colony is still growing and I can see newly berried shrimp). I've also added 6 new shrimp to add some variety to the genetics.
I'd still recommend buying a external pump or doing bigger water changes...
Ideally both.
Even your cheap Chinese filters are a big improvement.
Unfortunately an external filter isn't really an option for me due to the nature of the tank lid as well as my accommodation. I do have two internal filters - an Aquael Turbo 500 as well as an Aquael Pat Mini with a large poret sponge attached. The tank is also fairly well planted now with Salvinia, Water Sprite, Java Moss, Flame Moss, Anubias and Java Fern.

I would be open to doing larger water changes if it didn't adversely affect the shrimp.