Went fish shopping this weekend, went over to "Hertfordshire fisheries" in St Albans for the first time as it was 5mins away from the "Maidenhead aquatics" i was planning on going to.
I was on the hunt for a male GBR for the female i already have and a group of honey gouramis depending on their size.
"Hertfordshire fisheries" was decent, didn't have a massive amount of fish like some other places but the tanks looked good and the majority of the fish looked healthy and happy.
Unfortunately they didn't have enough female golden honey gouramis to make a group, ideally wanted 2M 4F - they had 4M 3F.
So i decided to get two colour morps to make up the group, i ended up with 1M 2F of each - golden honey gourami and red robin honey gourami. The red ones are a little bigger than the golden and are a lot less shy. I'm really happy with my choice, they really complete the tank and give it a real community vibe.
Neither aquatics store had decent GBR, they both had very juvenille fish, about a 1/3 of the size of my female and was even harder to sex them being so small and not coloured up much. I gave it a miss as none of them were the right size to be compatible with my female.
I broke down my old tank and went and donated some fish to my actual LFS, species i didn't want to put into my new scape (pentazona barbs, cardinals and corys). Luckily, when i ask about GBR they told me they had a group just come out of quarantine, they looked amazing, very coloured up for a LFS tank and they were chunky and very active. I studied the group for a while before picking the most colourful male who was less dominant/aggressive compared to the other males. I'm so happy i found a male it was pretty much fate!
I'm finally fully stocked, feels on the heavy side for a scape as everyone is so active!
Only downside is now i have bigger fish my shrimp are hiding
14 Asian rummynose tetra
14 Ember tetra
3 Golden honey gourami (1M 2F)
3 Red robin gourami (1M 2F)
2 German blue rams (1M 1F)
20+ cherry shrimp
4 amano shrimp (will add more later)