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Cat litter

im a newbie to the cat litter as substrate, but will be using it very soon, mixed together with caribsea eco complete live planted, reason im mixing it is because i ran out of eco complete and my depth is only about 1 and half inches, so im planning on getting some cat litter and mixing it together, or even just leaving a deep layer of cat litter on the top of the eco complete.
does this sound ok to you guys? or would the cat litter be better off underneath the eco complete?
also, the only cat litters i have easy access to are....
thomas cat litter and catsan.
is either of these ok? or can i simply just use any cat litter???
this is where im stuck, because i cant find any info on the thomas brand.
if i could it would be great as i have bags of it stocked up for the cats.
so the misses wouldnt mind me taking half a bags worth.
I did read something about thomas clay cat litter.
but i wouldnt know how it'll be in the tank and i dont want to risk it until i've got the all clear from someone.
Quick question my litter loving friends.

Mixing ADA substrate with cat litter? ADA for the initial nutrient supply and cat litter for long term nutrient supply due to it's high CEC?

Good idea? Obviously only needed for a long term scape.
ADA Amazonia is a calcined clay and has a high CEC, so it has just as much long term storage capacity as the litter and has fairly decent structural stability. If you already have Amazonia why bother? if you don't have Amazonia then you can fortify the litter with Osmocote or whatever NPK product is convenient.

I also have access to Thomas Cat Litter but I don't know if it is clay based and if it has a high CEC. Anyone knows?

Jaap if you manage to find any info on it, will you send me a PM with the info....
i've been hunting around trying to find out if its high CEC but i cant find out,
i do know its Clay based, i read an article a few days ago saying its clay based and it dont clump up.
my misses uses it for the cats so i took some last week and put it in water and i've left it over this week and so far it looks good, has not clumped at all.
it let off alot of cloudy water at first, but every day i have changed the water and its now crystal clear and looks really good.
just need to find out if its high CEC.
Jaap said:
It is like small pieces of gray gravel...

i've just washed a whole bag worth of thomas cat litter and yes its small greyish looking coloured, but i bought a 8litre bag and im so surprised at how much im left with after giving it a good wash.

after soaking it for 4 hours, i then mixed it all up and continued to rinse it with my hands over the bath tub and it let of loads of cloudy/muddy sort of water, abit like wet sand.
but i have managed to rinse it all off and will be attempting to put it in later tonight.
wish me luck :cry:
I came across a bag of Thomas cat litter the other day & can tell you it is not made in the same way as sophisticat or Tesco cat litter.
It is a lot softer, I managed to crush some in my hand & bite down on it too where as the others are very hard grains.
I really would NOT recommend using Thomas Cat Litter in the Aquarium. Even if it has kept it's shape after washing, it will very quickly turn to sludge of the kind I described earlier 🙁 It's virtually the same product that I experimented with years ago in pots in the aquarium, rotting plants and foul smelling sludge were the result 🙁 🙁

If you can't get hold of Tesco Cat litter, try to get hold of Sophisticat Cat Litter

If you look on the PAH website it also tells you that the contents of the Cat San litter are either Wood (in the natural wood one) or Lime and silica sand in the Hygiene Litter :shock:
I ordered Moler Clay Shonin Grade 2-5mm 20L for 8,- today. I am curious how how it will look. It is half price of akadama and cheaper than most cat litters and not scented. Also when wet it should get darker color than akadama so will see. In worst case I will use it as cheap litter for my cat.
I loaded up on the tesco litter the other week (see my journal etc for pictures) the only issue I have with it really is its possibly too light. the top layer is being blown around all over the place by my little internal pump (ehiem eccoball smallest they do) even with the spray bar pointing up and not down. the litter just doesn't seem to carry much weight once submerged but I'm hoping that roots will spread and clump it together.
Very interesting Radik.

Please could you post some pics (wet and dry) when you get it?