Danny said:Just rinse well 5 times and that will do, that is what I did and now have plenty of fish in the main tank now all happy with it.
fluffycabbage said:Danny said:Just rinse well 5 times and that will do, that is what I did and now have plenty of fish in the main tank now all happy with it.
Really? Ive left it soaking overnight and im gonna rinse through again in a sec, but the water is still very cloudy...surely thats not good for them? And if its the filter which makes it clear, then surely the clay is getting into the filter then - and that cant be good? :?
fluffycabbage said:Hi folks - am really intrigued about the whole cat litter debate lol !
Im looking for a good substrate to grow plants in, because im trying to keep german blue rams, and need to reduce the amount of nitrates in my water (varies between 20-40ppm 🙁 ) so im going the plant route. I also need to reduce the pH in my water which stand at 8.2 out the tap and about 7.6 in the tank with a few pieces of bogwood, a few plants, and a couple of indian almond leaves, playsand substrate. Using Easy-Life Easycarbo and ProFito. Its also hard-very hard (sorry dont know reading but all i know is its bloomin hard lol)
So...is there a substrate which is good for plants AND reduces pH and hardness of water?
I did consider peat in the filter, but unsure on the substrate to tackle all of the above problems!! Will prob keep some of my corys in the tank too.
Thanks in advace for advice! 😀
Morgan Freeman said:FLuffy Cabbage, I did a little test with some peat balls and they dropped my ph from around 8 to 6.5 overnight. Didn't get to test the hardness however.
Pic of the one needed earlier in this thread. All else is indeed a no no.AshRolls said:Ok, well I have evidentally bought the wrong stuff judging by the concrete like substance that I have just created in a bucket.... For the record the following brand is NOT moler clayI knew something was wrong but a couple of saturday night ales and my enthusiasm combined to overrule my better judgement.
AshRolls said:Ok, well I have evidentally bought the wrong stuff judging by the concrete like substance that I have just created in a bucket.... For the record the following brand is NOT moler clayI knew something was wrong but a couple of saturday night ales and my enthusiasm combined to overrule my better judgement.
mitchelllawson said:Yeh i know but im 15 and cant drive and my parent dont support the hobby and wont buy it for me :/
Looks like its been discontinued. The glory days are over folks!
Looks like its been discontinued. The glory days are over folks!