Danny said:
This is brilliant guys, I am sitting here lmao at how simple an effective this is! Now it has been used by many for a while now any adverse effects?
After reading this thread I now plan on using it in my shrimp tank I am setting up, how deep is recommended and have there been any problems with using it with shrimp to date? I will be using plain old Neo's as a first try with shrimp.
Six month's ago , I tore down 80 gal planted tank and built new substrate.
On bottom I placed approx three cups of osmocote slow release fertilzer ,followed by about and inch of "special kitty cat litter"(plain grey
🙄 unscented) .I then added 3/4 of fifty pound bag of miracle grow organic potting mix,and covered this with 50 lbs of Black diamond blasting media.
I believe the cat litter was/is helping to hold nutrient's from Osmocote and miracle grow, but I also add a bit of KNO3,KH2PO4,CSM+B once a week or two.
Tank holds numerous fishes and shrimp (cherry), which are numerous enough to survive some predation and plant's are doing much better than with old gravel substrate over top of Eco-complete.
Plan on trying to post some pics as soon as tiger lotus bulb's get a bit larger.
I also have a 29 gal plain potting soil ,same cat litter, but hate the grey color .(loads of cherry shrimp)
Most other litter I have found of suitable color, also contains scented stuff or is too large of grain size for my liking .
Have never seen the Tesco that is opular with you al here in the U.S.