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Mat you got to sort me out some of that stuff when you have some!! lol I want some desperately!

Of course mate 😉 pearling like an absolute beast now.
Okay, so todays been a long yet good one, starting at B&Q in Darlington. Bought some 'Ronseal - Diamond Hard Varnish'.
I had initially intended to order some 'liberon - Hardwearing Varnish' but as i wanted to utilise some spare time, I had to go for the Ronseal. Which I am glad I did, it gives a very nice satin finish to the oak (matt and gloss options available, but I prefer a little shine, rather than a gooey wet look!) which I been prepping since I returned from darlington at 11am.


It was £16 for 750ml, so was a fairly expensive purchase, but after all my effort, I wont be scrimping on anything.

Here shows the nice warm feel it gives to the oak once applied :
(right -most piece just bare oak to show comparison)


I'm currently going over all the components and getting them sanded before putting the sides together and gluing them. I will cut the holes for any hoses after they are all sorted.

Got one side completely sanded down and varnished, and the top too. Still up here and starting on
The other sides components.

This will mean little messing around after when everything's together.

Okay, Little update.

Removed back left wood and some Blxya, to make way for some Limnophila mini sp.'Vietnam' , Ludwiga Inclinata 'Curly' and some Rotala H-Ra.
Ive Removed some crypts from the RHS, and added some Blxya alternifolia and Limnophila Sulawesi.

Think it looks so much more balanced, What do you guys reckon?


bit different to how it started! :


FAT shrimp:


Carpet: (bad photo sorry!)
Looks lush man!!! How many tanks are you running ATM? Would be cool to see some in situ shots 🙂
Love it, very envious of the carpet!!

I think I'm going to have to try some blyxa at some point, it's such a pretty looking plant...
Looks lush man!!! How many tanks are you running ATM? Would be cool to see some in situ shots 🙂

Thanks Ry, just running this and the ADA one. I want jack to make me another one though 😉
In situ shots would be horrendous. :lol: its just sat on an old desk at the moment, but I Can do.

Will look mint when i get it onto this cabinet ! 😀

Love it, very envious of the carpet!!

I think I'm going to have to try some blyxa at some point, it's such a pretty looking plant...

Ha thanks Rick, its really motoring now and filling out well In my Eyes.
The camera Im using for these are bad. I think I need to get myself a nikon/canon 🙂

When I get a few cuttings, I'll get you some posted. 😉
Hi mate, just read through this, quality journal and a quality tank, just a couple of questions if u don't mind.
Where did u get the wood from as I cant find anywhere that sells it at the moment and im looking for exactly what u have got.
Also where can u buy Blyxa from as again I cant seem to find any anywhere.
Thanks in advance
looking good mat, love the pics of the 2 tanks showing how much its grown in, amazing and cannot wait to see on cabinet. when i get house how i want it i might attempt making a cabinet, very handy with diy but would never match the quality of yours, keep us updated anyway mate 🙂


In situ shot for Ian and Ryan.
Nothing spectacular really, in fact not very nice. Hence why I've just got in from gluing up one side of the cabinet 😉

Sneak peak:adumy3ab.jpg

Hi mate, just read through this, quality journal and a quality tank, just a couple of questions if u don't mind.
Where did u get the wood from as I cant find anywhere that sells it at the moment and im looking for exactly what u have got.
Also where can u buy Blyxa from as again I cant seem to find any anywhere.
Thanks in advance

Hello martin,
Thanks for your comments, I feel like its been forever, but its just starting to get the look I want to achieve.

I purchased my manzanita from Hoggie on here, in a bundle of about 7-8 branches for I believe around £50. The blxya, I unfortunately cannot remember where I bought it from.

It will be a few weeks before any of mines ready to trim now i think.

looking good mat, love the pics of the 2 tanks showing how much its grown in, amazing and cannot wait to see on cabinet. when i get house how i want it i might attempt making a cabinet, very handy with diy but would never match the quality of yours, keep us updated anyway mate 🙂


Hello Dean,

Cheers mate! It is quite remarkable difference. I believe it looks a lot better for the branch removed, it was always annoying me.

No way mate, If you put your mind to it, your time & patience, you can achieve anything.

Might cost you a couple of quid along the way too! 😉

Thanks for that whitey!

Looks good btw, can't wait to see your cabinet.

Cheers ian, give it the weekend, should be somewhere near 🙂

If you see a pretty lady your not looking at her shoes! you'll have some sexy high heels on that girl soon 🙂 or would that be clogs :lol:

Very nice mate.

Haha great summary Iain, didn't quit think of that 😛
Looking good Nat, the changes in the scape defo adds more balance to it all. Given another few weeks and this will look stunning! Looking forward to seeing the rare plants in there!
Is that a great lighting unit then ? With all the Cree LEDs must be powerful sorry still not sure on all lighting etc,

Looking forward to updates