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22 Mar 2012
Richmond, North Yorkshire, UK
Hey Guys,
this is my first journal, and so is a big step for me, Into the world of Constant updates 😛
I've taken some inspiration, and looked at some peoples advice on here closely - thanks!

So here we go.

My aim is to create a rock based setup, using Ryuoh (sick of typing 'you' then having to delete it and write 'yuo'! 🙄)
my actual plant selection is yet to be decided on, Ive got the tropica catalouge here and will be making a selection soon. Anyone got any suggestions for plants that wold look great in this setup.

Ive placed some hardscape into position, and I'm going to leave it a few days to see if I continue to find it looking okay, or make moderations if I need to. I have decided on this hardscape shown below in a few photos, I plant to fill in the front where Ive left it bare with 'La plata' sand, also shown below;
(sorry for image quality! 😳 )

At Range:


At Range After 2 weeks :



From above: (Leaving a good amount of planting room 🙂 )





Left Side Detail:


Right Side: (Not sure on the Largest rock placement yet :| )




Overall, I am fairly happy with the outcome. The rock formation, just off centre on the left I believe gives good depth to the scape.
AS stated above the 'Tall' Ryuoh stone seems a little out of place, but I think that can be overcome with the addition of Large crypts such as 'Balansae' Pouring over from behind and shouldered with a couple of other varieties.
Will also consider the addition of manzy to the setup, as I bought a shed load from hoggie :lol:


Tank - 600mm x 400mm x 400mm

Cabinet - Will be an ADA Homebrew when I get round to it 🙂

Substrate - ADA Amazonia Powder ( 9 - 12L) + La Plata Sand (2kg)

Hardscape - ADA Ryuoh Stone (12kg)

Lighting - 1 TMC Grobeam 1000ND Tile, Mounted on TMC Rail & Brackets.

Ferts. - Will be Dosing EI once I run out of TPN & TPN+.

Co2 - Pressurized JBL set.

Flora - TBD

Fauna - Rummy nose Tetra, Amano Shrimp, Otocinclus catfish & Fire Red / Sakura Shrimp.

Please feel free to comment on anything at all (that you've seen in this topic :lol: )

Re: 60x40x40 Ryuoh Setup

Hi Nath,
loving that Ryuoh rock, ist very nice looking!
I think the hardscape looks great, the zig zag valley through the middle works well and adds depth. Personally im not sure if its the large rock to the right that is out of place or whether it just needs balancing with a larger/taller rock added to the left hand formation, maybe instead of the one furthest towards the rear (dont know how big it is below substrate but maybe lift it out and use that one). I actually really like the striata in that large right hand rock and think it works well with the one below it giving a sense of scale and a natural shadowing of the 'valley'.
Good stuff mate, looking forward to this journal :thumbup:
Ryuoh lagoon - Whitey89

Looks good as it is mate, but do agree with ady that the large right rock looks slightly out of place but I personally think when planted it will fit in great but maybe raise the substrate level behind it slightly. I like the little valley effect through the middle which the big rock helps to add the most effect to so think once planted up it will look fine

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Re: Ryuoh lagoon - Whitey89

Alastair said:
but do agree with ady that the large right rock looks slightly out of place but I personally think when planted it will fit in great but maybe raise the substrate level behind it slightly.

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sorry, i wasnt trying to say it looked out of place, Nathaniel said he was a little unsure about it but what i was trying to say was i like it, but maybe it needs balacing with a larger slightly taller rock on the left side too as this side looks a little flat in comparison.
Dont get me wrong, it looks amazing now and planted it will be a winner for sure :thumbup:
Re: Ryuoh lagoon - Whitey89

maybe something like this just for example, sorry im crap on computers so post it notes and scissors and a photo for me 🙄 :

Ryuoh lagoon - Whitey89

Thanks guys, this is the constructive ( I don't want to say criticism as it doesn't come across that way!) ideas that I was after.

Ady, reading your comments in other posts, you have a great eye for balance and composition. What you lack in computer knowledge, you make up for! 😀

I will look into trying to balance this out a touch, but unfortunately I haven't got a rock suitable for the job, so will have to get on the phone to TGM. Just had a £90 order too, then another £120+ a couple of weeks before :lol:

Off topic, purchased a CAL aqua nano Drop Checker too, which Im extremely happy with. Great shape and quality.

Re: Ryuoh lagoon - Whitey89

There is just a couple of things which stand out for me, rock placement is actually very nice and agree with the others that a second larger rock would certainly balance the whole thing out....

The 2 things though would be the lack of height, seems a little to much open space above... secondly, dependant on plants used, you are likely to lose sight of some of the smaller buried rock?, which would be a shame...because the layout is actually pretty nice.

I may be talking out my a**e lol.... it's just a couple things which seem to stand out 'for me'.

P.S... the ryuoh stone is very nice BTW
Ryuoh lagoon - Whitey89

JenCliBee said:
There is just a couple of things which stand out for me, rock placement is actually very nice and agree with the others that a second larger rock would certainly balance the whole thing out....

The 2 things though would be the lack of height, seems a little to much open space above... secondly, dependant on plants used, you are likely to lose sight of some of the smaller buried rock?, which would be a shame...because the layout is actually pretty nice.

I may be talking out my a**e lol.... it's just a couple things which seem to stand out 'for me'.

P.S... the ryuoh stone is very nice BTW

Hey Jen,
I understand where you are coming from and I had given that a thought.
The rocks can be pulled up slightly for that extra protrusion above the substrate.

Ideally I Want to bulk out the back, and have lower lying plants in the centre where the majority of the rock is situated.

I also have thought about a manzanita bridge coming from behind the right hand rock, and spanning across to the left, covered in weeping moss as the effect this gives I particularly like 🙂

Will try some adjustments tonight, see what I can do with it, including some with manzanita.

Ryuoh lagoon - Whitey89

Hey guys,
Just an update, regarding Hardscape.

Had a little pull on rocks, freeing them a little from the substrate.
The results were very pleasing, Im not sure if the pictures will do the change justice. But the stones look a lot more dominating in the scape by doing so, ao I thank you for your input.

I also believe the stone on the right has been brought into balance a lot more.
Heres a peek:




What you think?
Re: Ryuoh lagoon - Whitey89

its good very nice rock just could you make the rock opposite the large one taller lead the eye through your zig zag path may give little extra height to the rockwork just a thought by no means a criticism gonna be a good one hope youll add pics etc of your cabinet build this time mate looking like the only way im gonna get an l shaped cabinet is make it myself :lol: any ideas on plants yet ?
Ryuoh lagoon - Whitey89

tim said:
its good very nice rock just could you make the rock opposite the large one taller lead the eye through your zig zag path may give little extra height to the rockwork just a thought by no means a criticism gonna be a good one hope youll add pics etc of your cabinet build this time mate looking like the only way im gonna get an l shaped cabinet is make it myself :lol: any ideas on plants yet ?

Hey Tim,
Thats what this thread is about, so I in fact thank you for your input. As far as plants go, might have a look at the
Eleocharis sp. Mini for the foreground, accompanied by some staurogyne Repens (Everybody loves Stauro!) with some stems, some rotala's, ludwiga and some nice 'cryptocoryne balansae' (Thanks Ady for the desire to try it, solely from 'Dragons Crypt'. Which is absolutely amazing).

Basically we'll see where it takes us 😛
Re: Ryuoh lagoon - Whitey89

Whitey89 said:
As far as plants go, might have a look at the
Eleocharis sp. Mini for the foreground, accompanied by some staurogyne Repens (Everybody loves Stauro!) with some stems, some rotala's, ludwiga and some nice 'cryptocoryne balansae' (Thanks Ady for the desire to try it, solely from 'Dragons Crypt'. Which is absolutely amazing).
Mini eleocharis sounds like an excellent choice and id like to see it in a scape. Stauro is a no brainer for those who can grow it as it mixes well with everything. The balansae is a beast when it gets going and i think some of mine is a meter long!!...although im sure with frequent trimming of the longer leaves you can maintain it with smaller new growth. There was a journal somewhere where it was used in a mini m i think, just trimmed the leaves when they got too long. Thanks for the kind words also and have fun choosing plants.
Ryuoh lagoon - Whitey89

Ady34 said:
Whitey89 said:
As far as plants go, might have a look at the
Eleocharis sp. Mini for the foreground, accompanied by some staurogyne Repens (Everybody loves Stauro!) with some stems, some rotala's, ludwiga and some nice 'cryptocoryne balansae' (Thanks Ady for the desire to try it, solely from 'Dragons Crypt'. Which is absolutely amazing).
Mini eleocharis sounds like an excellent choice and id like to see it in a scape. Stauro is a no brainer for those who can grow it as it mixes well with everything. The balansae is a beast when it gets going and i think some of mine is a meter long!!...although im sure with frequent trimming of the longer leaves you can maintain it with smaller new growth. There was a journal somewhere where it was used in a mini m i think, just trimmed the leaves when they got too long. Thanks for the kind words also and have fun choosing plants.

Yeah I will try sp. mini. As I think for one it should give a good scale to the scape, and two, when wet ryuoh is quite a bit darker, so that intense green should give plenty of contrast with the dark grey stone.

Might continue the sand down the 'gulley' to near the back to give an even greater sense of depth.

Looking forward to getting a plants list together, will try get that sorted tomorrow, then order monday 🙂
Ryuoh lagoon - Whitey89

Whitey89 said:
Just ordered 3 x Eleocharis Sp. Mini in Vitro from FreshWaterShrimp 😀

Nice one mate I have it my tank, takes a while to take off I found but it's getting their now!
Ryuoh lagoon - Whitey89

Westyggx said:
Whitey89 said:
Just ordered 3 x Eleocharis Sp. Mini in Vitro from FreshWaterShrimp 😀

Nice one mate I have it my tank, takes a while to take off I found but it's getting their now!

Hey mate, how long have you had it in there ? Did you just cut up into portions as shown or plant individually?
Re: Ryuoh lagoon - Whitey89

Had it in about a month now, i cut it into portions as shown on the packaging. I bought a second lot and planted them individually though on the left side and it looks alot better. Will get you a picture later when the lights come on.