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Re: Ryuoh Ravine - Taiwan Fires

Ha dosed paraguard. Which in turn killed more 🙁

Got about 2-3 left and a pint glass with about 30 babies the size of half a pinhead in!

Got some planting done, will fill and possibly get a photo up.

Re: Ryuoh Ravine - Taiwan Fires

Looks great Nath,
looking forward to more pictures!
Sorry to hear about the shrimp too, sounds odd.
Nice - will be a stunner when grown in. Love the hard scape on this one!
basil said:
Nice - will be a stunner when grown in. Love the hard scape on this one!

Thanks Mike,

It's going alright at the moment, although there is a massive amount of filling in to do. The Pogostemon Helferi is having a hard time adjusting, I know it doesn't weather the postal service great. I underestimated how 'co2 heavy' it is, I was lime green as per before adding, and next day was deep blue 😱

Upped the co2 a lot now! :lol:
Now I need to decide on planting the plateau. Maybe a Bucephalandra or two. Who knows?!
Sorry to hear your helferi wasn't doing well. Glad it's back fighting! 🙂 I found mine thriving with no co2. It's interesting this. Maybe it's because my tanks are smaller? I was worried I would have to get a triple valve for a FE co2 Kit but turns out I don't. I even have Cuba in there I put in for a giggle but that's growing well too! Madness. Maybe it's a stage! Or something to do with temps. Let me know how it goes with co2. It's interesting to see different setups growing the same plant 🙂


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Co2geeks.com !!

Something I've never tried to get my head around. I always chickened out and went low tech 🙂
Me too! Tried once and when back to lowtech pretty quick, although I am wanting to give it another go now I have the luck of building another tank once I decided dimensions 🙂

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Ha funnily enough, I nearly gassed my fish last night After you lot speaking about it.

Was still too much co2 in column when lights went off. Luckily the mrs said,' the fish are all at the top'. :lol:

I don't think they were gasping, just close to the top. Because of the surface agitation, mine gasses off quite quickly, but I just turned the lights on and lifted the spraybar for an hour. :shh:
Whitey89 said:
Status update:

Currently planing oak sections up for my Cabinet 🙂

My 'not so helpful' helper:


That dog is in SERIOUSLY good condition Nath. Nice to see 🙂
So what are the plans for this cabinet ? Sounds really cool.