Remember test kits to test your RO water before use !!! This is one case where test kits are useful, as you shouldn't have test kit interfering ions present. This is necessary to check that the pre-filter/membrane hasn't failed.
You need to check for free ammonia and free chlorine in you RO water, before use.
If the water company decide to use chloramine in your water and your pre-filter is not a de-chlor type, or exhausted or flowing to fast then then you can end up with ammonia in your RO water (also given away by increased tds/conductivity).
Also if pre-filter is not a de-chlor type, or exhausted or flowing to fast then then you can end up with free chlorine in your RO water (also given away by increased tds/conductivity).
Local fish shop (mainly marine) showed me this on an "open evening" when they were showing how their water was prepped in the back of the shop. Yes they have had positive tests of their RO water, once where someone failed to take the poly bag off the replacement pre-filter, chlorine in water (and wrecked membrane !!) and another when pre-filter split letting unfiltered water through (and wrecked membrane !!). Both of these failures would have been fatal to fish.