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Bulbs for T8 36"


14 Aug 2009
Tipton West Midlands
There is no such thing as "best". Best is whatever color you like. Generally, the word "warm" when describing color refers to yellowish. Gro Lux bulbs have traditionally been on the pink side. Since we don't know what color you like it's impossible to advise with any real accuracy. JamesC has a sticky in the lighting section which shows photos of some of these colors. Check it out.

Well, there are a couple of myths about lights, one of which is that some lights are better for plants than others. Check this thread which explains why this is mythical: PL-11 Tubes

The second most prevalent myth is that one has to change bulbs after some given time period. That myth is busted in this thread: Two new tubes...

how about sylvana gro lux is any good for plants ??

as the two which I want to replace got bit of pink in colour so looks like they are some special bulbs for plants do not know exactly as I bought this tank second hand