Yes, this is generally true because water is quite dense and heavy, so it loses inertia quite quickly unless it is being muscled or cajoled.
It requires an entire world the size of the moon to distort the space-time continuum enough as it passes by to force the ocean to rise in a six foot tide.
Contemplate those titanic forces and compare them to that of your wimpy little pump - just to get some perspective.
My observations from my high tech 500l tank where the flow is the entire lenght of the tank with a combine output of pumps/filters is 6000lph so x10+ turnover on paper, in the early days a lime green DC was enough, the plant mass increased changed the dynamics of the CO2 four headed monster had melting issues etc so increased the DC to light yellow to clear, which resulted in happy days. However the plants grew more changing the dynamics yet again as the flow wasn’t enough OFC. So if I had any doubts that getting a Maxspect Gyre x2 to resolve the flow issue with varying speeds run on a schedule yielding outputs from 2000lph to 18,000lph and reduce plumbing increase aesthetics all in one go after reading this and other threads/posts of yours and others Is no brainier IMO. Even thinking getting smaller filter to reduce its footprint so I can fit my CO2 reactors closer reducing plumbing and maintance time.
Thanks for all the detail wisdom as always, as it all helps