Wow.. 4x80 watts without co2 is asking for problems 😱
Looks like you will have enormous flow issues with a tank this size and depth. The filter intake should possibly go right to the bottom of the tank to try an collect all the detritus falling to the bottom. Also you don't mention the exact filter model number, but it looks like 16mm piping, which means the filter is probably hopelessly too small for a tank this size. I have 22mm piping & 1500 litres per hour (+ another 600litre per hour filter) on only 180 litres.
If you are going high tech (which is certainly necessary with that amount of light) you are looking possibly at 8000litre per hour filter capacity 😱 Of course you could do it with 2 off monster filters and some wavemakers/circulation pumps.
I've edited the posts to show the images inline.
Every plant needs CO2 but some are more efficient than others. Anubias and ferns are some of the more efficient and it is not required to enrich CO2 - as long as you keep the lighting low. When the lighting is high these are some of the first plants that show signs of deficiency, so keep the lighting low and there will not be any need to get more complicated.
I've edited the posts to show the images inline.
I knew Anubias and java fern require less light but never knew they would be fine with low lighting .. Say only 50% of lighting in my tank.
So keeping light as low as possible is going to bring some Nice plant growth with some ferka addition. I'm just keeping it this simple. Also in the pictures you can find Anubias new leaves crinkling and pointing downwards so even this will be sorted out by reducing the lighting. Right ??
Also suggest me few low light plants for my tank spec.
I think much has already been said.
I just wanted to confirm that Anubias and ferns can do very well in low light, low tech setups, albeit they grow slowly. Anubias in my experiance seem to do better than Java fern under low light. One thing that Anubias can suffer from is Green spot Algae, I get this in my more high tech tanks, but not at all in the low light tanks that only have gravel substrate, Anubias attached to rocks and only a sponge filter. I still do weekly 50% water changes though, but then they are breeding tanks.
Yes, anubias an ferns can excel in nothing more than light coming through the window to the tank. You really don't even need to turn the tank light on at all. Mosses also do well, Riccia, some stems such as Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig', which is a lovely plant having pink veining, common Ludwigias such as L. repens. Carpet plants such as Pogostemon helferi can be grown. Almost all of the crypts and swords are OK in low tech. Vallis is a popular low tech plant as well.
The crinkling and leaf deformation is due to CO2 starvation. Once the lighting is lowered to within reason the CO2 demand is reduced and the deformation will not appear on new leaves. It's not likely the the existing leaves will straighten out but this is not a big deal. Just chop them off and the new ones will grow in.
PLUSLighting : Aquasonic T5 lighting 4X80Watts - for about 8hr...
CO2 : None
The reasons are as follows: