I dont think its out of hand mate. Its just people offering their opinions on a subject you raised in the first place surely ? Some opinions will be relevant to you, others not. Some you will like and others not. Doesn't mean the thread has got out of hand though 
I have to disagree with the opinion someone posted that L046 will always remain an expensive fish. The more people like yourself who try and breed them and are successful, the greater the availability and eventually the lower the price will be. I have seen this in certain African cichlid species, I have seen it in reptiles, I have seen it in purebred bengal cats (having been a registered breeder myself in NZ) and we will see it in these fish hopefully too. That is simple economics. The only way it would not happen is by people not being successful in their breeding (which is a point JCB correctly raised), or being discouraged from trying. My way of thinking is that with any species that is endangered or in small numbers, the more people trying to perpetuate the species the better 🙂
I hope you do attempt this venture. I am sure you will put every effort into making it succeed and a few more zebra plecs on the planet is a good move as far as I am concerned

I have to disagree with the opinion someone posted that L046 will always remain an expensive fish. The more people like yourself who try and breed them and are successful, the greater the availability and eventually the lower the price will be. I have seen this in certain African cichlid species, I have seen it in reptiles, I have seen it in purebred bengal cats (having been a registered breeder myself in NZ) and we will see it in these fish hopefully too. That is simple economics. The only way it would not happen is by people not being successful in their breeding (which is a point JCB correctly raised), or being discouraged from trying. My way of thinking is that with any species that is endangered or in small numbers, the more people trying to perpetuate the species the better 🙂
I hope you do attempt this venture. I am sure you will put every effort into making it succeed and a few more zebra plecs on the planet is a good move as far as I am concerned