I got a small portion of this at the beginning of the year, its was doing really well in my Apisto tank, even took several cuttings from it. I noticed recently that some of the outer most leaves are turning black
not happy, lighting is 2x24w over a 30x12x18" tank, easycarbo everyday 4ml, and ferts dosing as below, is this just normal is the die off process or another under lying problem? it is growing well gone from a 3" cutting and its spread to maybe 12"
3tsp. Potassium Nitrate (KN03)
1/2tsp Potassium Phosphate (KH2P04)
1/2tsp GH Booster
in 500ml water
3x week 40ml
1tsp CSM+B Trace.
in 500ml water
3x week 40ml

3tsp. Potassium Nitrate (KN03)
1/2tsp Potassium Phosphate (KH2P04)
1/2tsp GH Booster
in 500ml water
3x week 40ml
1tsp CSM+B Trace.
in 500ml water
3x week 40ml