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Bolbitis heudelotii


1 Dec 2007
Bakewell, Derbsyhire
I got a small portion of this at the beginning of the year, its was doing really well in my Apisto tank, even took several cuttings from it. I noticed recently that some of the outer most leaves are turning black :shock: not happy, lighting is 2x24w over a 30x12x18" tank, easycarbo everyday 4ml, and ferts dosing as below, is this just normal is the die off process or another under lying problem? it is growing well gone from a 3" cutting and its spread to maybe 12"

3tsp. Potassium Nitrate (KN03)
1/2tsp Potassium Phosphate (KH2P04)
1/2tsp GH Booster
in 500ml water
3x week 40ml

1tsp CSM+B Trace.
in 500ml water
3x week 40ml

first plant i ever managed to grow
no fertiliser just hard water
lots of current
low light 1 single t8 over 4ft tank

it and algae where my first success's , maybe it doesn't need so much
I have some of this too. Its like your java ferns really. The really old leaves are not as efficient as the newer ones, they just get past it. Cut them off when they get like that. Your plant will thank you for it, being a stronger and fuller plant. Same applies for other fern sp.

thanks both, i'll give it a trim not had one in a while, see how it goes

its a lovely looking fern, does well in my super soft water🙂

going to trim it later 8)

just an update on this, I took out the root this fern was attached too and found the rhizome was pretty much dead except a couple of place, no idea what happened, very confused? trimmed right back and hopefully it will grow to its former glory 🙂

I had the same problem it seems to come from bruising or a pinch in the rhizome, take the sharpest blame possible and cut of all the dead, re add to the tank in the highest flow area and you'll soon find it throwing out leaves like mad.