Merry Christmas from Ukraine!
in evening (wild locals are hard to tame 🙁 )
I "cook" a complex substrate, that includes river sand, pebbles, silt and organic litter. Everything comes from local rivers and lakes.LOL I'd say the locals certainly are "hard to tame". They are an absolute inspiration, in fact.
Tank is looking good!
Did you mention what the soil substrate is?
I hope to make some more headway with aquarium simulation of these hardwater systems like the Chorhun River, chalk streams and marl lakes. We have a lake not very far north of here —it's name is literally Marl Lake —with very hard water and this beautiful clear turquoise blue water, like the Caribbean.
Like you mentioned above, this kind of habitat hosts a unique macrophyte flora.
Just this evening while researching these ideas it dawned on me that an illuminated RGB LED tank background tuned to turquoise will further reinforce this idea.
I "cook" a complex substrate, that includes river sand, pebbles, silt and organic litter. Everything comes from local rivers and lakes.
The lake looks gorgeous! Btw, marl is one of components what I use for "cooking" hardwater for my biotope ecosystem.
In your photo the aquarium background effect is created by the Gradient foil and has nothing to deal with the light. But the biotope ecosystem with such background would look fake.
Recreating turquoise gradient effect in a small aquarium is a real challenge. To make a blue colour of water, concentration of minerals would be too high to put in fish and plants.
Chorhun river biotope aquarium (Crimea, Ukraine)
View attachment 214196
And a little quiz: how many plant species can you find here?
So here are 11 species of aquatic plants.
1. Nuphar lutea / yellow water-lily
2. Sparganium erectum / branched bur-reed
3. Potamogeton nodosus / longleaf pondweed
4. Potamogeton perfoliatus / perfoliate pondweed
5. Ceratophyllum demersum / hornwort
6. Najas marina / spiny naiad
7. Myriophyllum spicatum L / spiked watermilfoil
8. Elodea canadensis / Canadian waterweed
9. Water soldiers / Stratiotes aloides
10. Lemna minor / common duckweed
11. Spirogyra / water silk green algae
Plants # 1, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11 were planted at initial setup and have been feelin' ok since August, 2020.
Plants # 2, 3 were added in summer 2022.
And finally in May and June, 2023 I planted # 4, 6 and 9.
So here we can conclude that most of the temperate aquatic plants are suitable for our home aquaria. They are beautiful and hardy, they don't need a winter cold period.
The only problem I still have to solve is the allelopathy.
It's my view that the interesting botany of aquatic plants is an area we could explore quite a lot more as aquascaping hobbyists. And you have some good ones listed here!
Sparganium are quite intriguing plants and among the "weird Monocots". Do you have this growing as an emergent, or fully submersed? I tried this same species riparium-style some time ago, but it didn't take.
Potamogeton is another compelling group. As far as I can see, there are only two species of these in the hobby, one of which is a nasty invasive plant in my area and unlawful to trade. This genus is well-represented in temperate lakes and rivers and could be a fun project for exploring wild habitats and aquarium culture. Potamogeton are characteristic flora for many of the cleaner lakes of forested areas up in the northern part of our state. I have a tall column tank sitting empty that would make a nice enclosure for them and maybe I will try to make some time for this next summer. Here's the checklist of species + varieties and hybrids for our state.
I kept a blue one before and loved it, they have such great characters, but make sure your tank is fully sealed, any holes and it will escape lolThis mesmerizing young female of the narrow-clawed crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus)
Sparganium or bur-reed was a spontaneous trophy (to be honest). I caught a small submerged plant in a landing net when hunting for fish fry and I didn't hope that it can be a successful plant in the aquarium hobby. But after 1.5 year in my biotope aqua it's feeling and looking really great (after previous winter's terrible blackouts)! I don't know why but submersed forms of our local plants never go emergent in home aquaria and emergent plants die indoors...
Potamogetons (pondweeds) are harder to grow than most of the tropical aquatic plant we see in the hobby. Plants of this genus are common in our lakes and rivers but don't like artificial conditions. I made attempts to grow all species available in my area, and this is my second successful experience. Beside these (P. nodosus and P. perfoliatus) I had positive experience with P. natans and P. crispus (I kept them in a balcony windowsill aqua during previous season). All other species slowly degraded. The most important secret to the success with pondweeds is planting small fresh sprouts with strong roots. Big plants have no chances.
The presence of the same plant species in the North American and European continents are a mystery for me too (though their DNA may be different and modern scientist can divide them into separate species). I used this fact some years ago to recreate a Venezuelan lagoona for my Endlers (Poecilia wingei) biotope. I made the list of species available in both areas and collected desired plants from a forest nearby.
Many years ago I also enjoyed the company of a blue crayfish. I bought it on an impulse and soon had to return to the market seller as the creature was too big for my guppy nano tank 🙁I kept a blue one before and loved it, they have such great characters, but make sure your tank is fully sealed, any holes and it will escape lol
Mine outgrew the 60l tank when it got to 25cm in size, took it back to the LFS! Would love to keep one again!
I should try Sparganium again someday. Definitely an unusual plant.
I have an updated idea for an estuary setup with mesohaline (moderate salinity) brackish water to somewhat resemble a seagrass meadow, but with easier plants. Areas of the Black Sea are among places mentioned with this kind of environment. So is the Indian River Lagoon in Florida and Chesapeake Bay.
I found one of the related plants on my wanted list on eBay. This is Potamogeton perfoliatus, which can supposedly grow OK in salinity up to 15ppt.
Here's a few more I hope to round up and try.
I am inland and far from the sea coast, but Z. palustris and S. pectinata both occur here. I think the latter actually grows right in our creek just down the street. So I should be able to find them this summer. R. maritima is pretty much the most characteristic species for this estuary seagrass environment and I hope I can trade for it or find it for sale. E. parvula is among the aquarium sold as Dwarf Hairgrass. Halodule wrightii is a true seagrass, but apparently can grow in the lowest salinity among US seagrass species and overlap with the others here in the range of around 10-15ppt.
- Zannichellia palustris
- Stuckenia pectinata
- Ruppia maritima
- Eleocharis parvula
- Halodule wrightii