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Beginnings - Help needed!

Is that bubble counter inside the tank murph? I haver that one and im sure its ment to go on the outside, Im also sure it does not matter whether its in or out but im sure it would be more eye pleasing if it was out. Plus if your plants grow you have the advantage of being able to see it still. :thumbup:
Thanks ceg!

Chilled, it is inside, the way the tubing bends and the wall to the right of the tank makes if easier to put it inside, if I ever take 'proper' photos then I'll take it out. I think I want a shorter tank as this on is a bit too tall for my liking!
Tank seems to be going well. Tend to wish I'd went down the driftwood route now though!

Only problem is that my hygrophila stems tend to rot in the middle for no apparent reason? I trim the dead parts and replant the tops.
Figures clive 😳 , I think theres enough c02 in the tank its just trying to get it to the back wall where the stems are, I've repositioned the spray bars so hopefully it will help. I might add another filter to boost flow.
Yep. Can you see now why I try to dissuade people from going bonkers with sexy light, and to first concentrate on CO2/flow techniques? The number and variety of problems becomes infinite until CO2 can be optimized.

No one can tell you what The Matrix is. You have to experience it for yourself....

I've decided to sack this tank....

I'll get another photo of how it is currently but then I'll be ripping it out and going for something a bit more balanced and driftwood inspired. I think when I put this tank together I was going to have riccia foreground and hairgrass background!

I did really consider how things would look when it had grown in.

It just doesn't look right, watch this space.
i'd say thats a shame 🙁 .
i really like the tank.a few more plants and "bobs your uncle" 😉 .

Crappy Iphone pics but here it is.

I've got alot of 'water roots' halfway up alot of the stems, whats the deal with this?

some plants are taking off others havent. P. Helferi has melted almost completely.
I like the way your tank is coming along but I suppose its you that has to look at it everyday. Remember I have that bit of manzanita coming so if you want to take that then that is fine by me. I will be happy to take your stones and put them to use. I am keeping the tank at the back of the shop so they may go in there.
murph said:
I've got alot of 'water roots' halfway up alot of the stems, whats the deal with this?
These are called "aerial roots" and it what many stem plants produce. You either have to continually trim them or select plants that don't produce them in large quantities.
murph said:
some plants are taking off others havent. P. Helferi has melted almost completely.
P. helferi, like many carpet plants is susceptible to poor CO2/flow. It responds well to liquid carbon products, but it has a difficult time transitioning to flood, especially under high lighting. Again, this theme is the anthem of all carpet plants.

Cheers Clive.

I think the hardscape is causing issues in the flow of the C02. To big for the tank.