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Beginners aquascape

Beginning to look bettet, plants need removing for sure but at least they fit in yhe tank now and the water is to the top.
Ive done 3 water changes in 4 days. 2x50% 1x30%. Water is in good condition now.

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Holly crap is that the small amount if Java moss I gave you?? Get dosing again that Valli's should have taken over!!

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Haha no. The stuff you gave me i put n the rocks, i got a pot from aqua essentials, stuck a few bits on with glue and it went buck wild!!! Yeah the val kmda started dying when i stopped dosing ferts and co2.i took the left bunch out cos it didnt do well, tooks some runners from the right hand bunch and planted them on left so I'll wait for them to grow out.
Stems at front are bloody awful, so they're coming out and being replaced. Gunna keep the snails as i might get a loach!

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