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Beginners aquascape

Way too big compared to pics iv looked at and it looks to have broader leaves too. I realised about hair grass and thought my earlier post hadnt gone on.
Must have been a mobile data problem. At least it didnt do a double post.
Itll look good as long as it dosent get too big, whatever it is. Nice tank btw
Hiya mate, yeah i agree, it does seem far bigger than what i had before, not entirely sure what it could be though, have to look through a ton of plant archivesand see if i can spot it. Could there be a dwarf version and a bigger version? Cos i had some sag a while ago and it looked similar but obviously alot smaller.

Thank you mate, its coming on, made many mistakes along the wah but its getting there, but you learn and move on.


Hello friend, haha.
Ummmm update, tank looks like a peice of s**t, snail infestation, over grown plants, which oddly enough are so healthy (no co2,no ferts or anything) so not sure whats happening there!
The next fews weeks its getting an overhaul, the filter needs sorting (very low flow rate at the moment) my co2 set up needs sorting, my ferts cycle needs re starting, my water needs some serious tlc and the tank needs re stocking (once water is good again of course).
Like i said on facebook, im actually ashamed of it at the moment, i might post a current state picture up, and then a few progress ones over the the next few weeks to see if my hard work pays off or not.

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Get back on track mate it will be a beaut again in no time 🙂

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I have a bunch of Taiwan moss if you want any mate

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I spent 2 hours last night having a good tidy up. Chopped all plants way back, did 50% water changed, cleaned filter out for the first time since ive had it (7 months or so) which was surprisingly clean, i use an eheim prefilter which really does work wonders!
Think im going to remove current plants and buy a few new ones soon, I'll see how mine grow back first.
Im going to start using carbon again in my filter, ive really noticed the difference in clarity since i stopped, contrary to popular belief, it really does make a difference!

Now, i have a MAJOR snail infestation, anyone recommend an effective way of removing them, be it, chemicals or a fish or whatever. (not overly keen on assassin snails but will if i have to)

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Why don't you get some snail killer stuff in there then? If you don't have to worry about it hurting shrimp.

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