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Barb Island. its all over.

Crackin scape.

You need to get more distance between the tank and background. It's casting the notorious 'shadow line'

At least 30cm will get rid of this issue.
Crackin scape.

You need to get more distance between the tank and background. It's casting the notorious 'shadow line'

At least 30cm will get rid of this issue.

thanks mark, been a lot of learning with this tank, certainly in relation to how the hardscape is set up to start with so it doesnt move at every water change... that and leaving more room behind for pictures. Can fully appreciate the convenience of your wheels now. Cheers for the tips on how to shoot, i wish i could say i understood it all, i just installed DPP last night and my immediate feeling is confusion. Hope to get some time tomorrow to play with it and sort through all the pics.

Looking REALLY great Iain. What a shame to take it down. Get another tank instead!

Already looking into another tank andre, one just isnt enough when using ferns... I struggle to believe this has been running for nearly a year now!! No wonder i got the itch something bad. (not that kind of itch Nath:facepalm: ) Thanks for your comments.

What a nature scape....it's just gone mental! Brilliant from this to this photo and a great achievement.
15kg of minlandscape rock was a waste of money ady :lol:

Looking back at this there were so many things that were wrong hardscape wise at setup. Need to start figuring out how to build height that will last long term for the next one.

My biggest gripe with this layout is that even though the tank is so broad it still looks quite 2D. Next one will be built all around depth perspective.... or thats the plan anyway.

Just got to work and the pictures look entirely different on my PC monitor!! Really overtly green and contrast is all out of wack...😕
Well it looks great to me mate, and yeah, not a single bit o mlr on display now lol.
I suppose that's the thing about excelling in anything.....you always want to do better and look at ways of improving your skills...here's to the next!
Really nice fish Iain. The completed scape pics above look fantastic. I am also very inspired by your carpet of tenullus and am tempted to give it a go myself instead of/ alongside the hairgrass, which is really not taking off.
15kg of minlandscape rock was a waste of money ady Looking back at this there were so many things that were wrong hardscape wise at setup. Need to start figuring out how to build height that will last long term for the next one.
Funny looking back isn't it? - all the care taken in selecting the right shape and positioning of rocks and wood, when all that mattered really was the shape of the little bits of wood sticking out:lol:
thanks ian and alistair. Just wish it came out to play more.

Andre, the tennelus seems very undemanding, i would certainly recommend it. It will all be coming out early march if you want and instant carpet? Ive learnt a lot in a year thats for sure, keen to try my hand at some new hardscape layouts asap. Seeing george play with his signature is a real tease!!
thanks all, wait for the shot in 4 weeks after my housemate looks after it lol The trident is really out of control!
Tim, i hope it will be ok when im back as hope to still get a FTS for IAPLC. The tank only gets an hour of halide now so the carpet has taken forever to grow back this time.
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