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Barb Island. its all over.

Re: Barb Island.

Looking REALLY nice Iain. Am big fan of ferns on wood as you know and you have presented yours so well. I need to start thinning mine out and am finding it hard to decide where to cut back and where to leave the growth lush and thick. I will be watching this and learn! I hope your new design will stick to the fern + wood theme 😀
Re: Barb Island.

Ady34 said:
Hey Iain,
looking good :thumbup:
Like the subtle tweaks to the wood position rear left, adds extra depth :thumbup: not that this tank needs it :lol:
Amazing how much the tenellus has grown back in since the trim, and whats the new addition to the left of centre foreground rock?
Barbs seem present and correct, no issues with jumping Denisonii? and hows the shrimp population with all those barbs, considering cherrys for my tank?
I agree with 'tother' Ian, worthy of iaplc :thumbup:

cheers ady, Wood still isnt right, this has been something else i have learnt with this tank... take the time to get the wood right from the off and be bloody sure its not going to move! Im a oaf with a net!
Tennelus growth has been good, 11 days since i leveled it. It's going red though which i thought i'd like but dont, its much less vibrant. Have wound down the trace ferts which seems to have helping it green up a little but believe it's a light response.
No jumping barbs but think a few harlequins might have taken a walk :? Cherries are fine, there are more every month. The barbs definitely pick off the babies as i see sudden little squalls if the shrimp are stupid enough to swim in open water. I keep the fish really hungry too, only feed 2 or three times a week. Starving the barbs for 3 days then feeding live food for 2 days really produces amazing colours and mating behaviour. Think i might try doing a cold water change in the cycle and see if i can get some babies, i wont hold my breath though :lol:

killi69 said:
Looking REALLY nice Iain. Am big fan of ferns on wood as you know and you have presented yours so well. I need to start thinning mine out and am finding it hard to decide where to cut back and where to leave the growth lush and thick. I will be watching this and learn! I hope your new design will stick to the fern + wood theme 😀

hey andre, im loving the ferns to but also trying to figure out how to trim them lol I do remove even slightly damaged leaves, when i dont the damaged leaf tends to grow a plantlet on its tip which seems to slow the growth of the rest of the plant. You now know as much as me :lol:
Think ferns and wood will always feature andre, as will moss.
Re: Barb Island.

Was just enjoying looking at the tank and at the risk of over doing it with photos i have a couple more. Pipes and reactor cleaning is the job for the weekend, interesting that you can see how much dirtier the glass pipes get next to acrylic.
Was a bit naughty the other day and bought a fish on impulse 😳 Ive always wanted a red tail black shark, Epalzeorhynchos bicolor, for a long time but know it wouldnt be suitable for me really so had been thinking about a Ruby/rainbow shark, Epalzeorhynchos frenatus, but hadnt seen any nice ones.. then i did. What a beautiful fish, matt grey and bight red fins!! He puts the checker barbs red fins to shame! No pics though as he is by far the fastest fish i have ever had, way faster than the denesonii's, which he likes to prove as soon as i try and focus on him, he seems to be enjoying cleaning up my rocks though 🙂

Gotta catch those bloody cardinals :evil:

From my sofa spot

For those asking, drop checker is this colour when the halide comes on 2 hours after t5's and stays like this until lights off.

Laters :thumbup:
Re: Barb Island.

Hi Iain,
Nice shots again, no worry of ever overdoing the photos mate!
Do you always run your dc with so little air gap? Is this to speed up response time for more accuracy?
Re: Barb Island.

no mate, just because i havent changed the dc for 2 weeks :?

Oh, from your previous post the new plant at the front is a spiky riccia stone from the nano, just interested to see what happens, its not supposed to like liquid carbon which i use and want to see how it will cope if i drop it straight back in the low tech when grown...??
Re: Barb Island.

easerthegeezer said:
no mate, just because i havent changed the dc for 2 weeks :?

Oh, from your previous post the new plant at the front is a spiky riccia stone from the nano, just interested to see what happens, its not supposed to like liquid carbon which i use and want to see how it will cope if i drop it straight back in the nano when grown...

Ah, ok, thought I was missing a trick 😉
Thanks for clearing up the plant, your always experimenting with something.....noticed you were quite involved in a glute thread, are you making your own liquid carbon now too?
Oh and sharks are cool, rtbs are one of my favourites but seems you never know what your gonna get, calm and easy going or a real brute. Viktor had one in his old home island tank i remember and it looked pretty cool cruising around. Sanj has one in his rainbowfish tank too.... but then that is a mahoosive tank! Are the red finned/ruby sharks supposed to be less boisterous? Can imagine with its shape it'll be another perfect fit to compliment the current fish stock....must be nice having a big tank 🙂
Re: Barb Island.

haha, no tricks here, in fact i think i read its the other way round...larger surface area of water/air gives quicker response but dont quote me on that.
I believe rainbows are supposed to be less territorial especially if added last, dont think the barbs would put up with any shenanigans anyway. The LFS i got it from has a 300G display tank that they are happy to rehome the shark if/when needed as he will outgrow mine quite quickly. The subconscious red / black theme goes on...

Yes to the glut mate, which is why its hard to wean this tank off it as the cost is effectively 0 now and have enough for 3.5 years :geek:
Re: Barb Island. Rainbow Shark.

You have started treading the road to oblivion my friend. Though I am not convinced that is a regular red tailed shark as the ones I am used to seeing have just a red tail and their other fins are black. Google Red Tail Shark to see what I mean 😉
Re: Barb Island. Rainbow Shark.

Alastair said:
Good point Chris but it is a variant of the red tailed black shark just with the rest of its fins coloured and a slightly lighter body colour.
Red finned shark - epalzeorhynchos frenatum

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thought so, as the RTS I had was just the tail fin and the rest of the body and fins totally black. The variant here is similar to one where it has a cream body and red fins.... in shape also. The RTS is more chunky and this one is more slender. Maybe it wont be quite such a stroppy b4stard :thumbup:
Re: Re: Barb Island. Lemonade anyone? Video tease.

oooh, you are a one....hurry up with the edit!!!!
Re: Re: Barb Island. Lemonade anyone? Video tease.

Moss is the next challenge... seems to go well then 6 months or so it goes down hill?
Rainbow shark even made a shock appearance, think ive only seen it 5 times since it went in. :crazy:

Re: Barb Island. Lemonade anyone? Video tease.

Awesome Iain!
It must be a pleasure to sit and watch that, lush plant health and vibrant fish. You've nailed it mate :clap:
Really great tank and an excellent video.
Thanks for sharing.
Re: Re: Barb Island. Lemonade anyone? Video tease.

thanks guys, i pretty happy with it but still have my share of issues. Im itching to rescape this one now, unlikey before christmas though.

:lol: only just realised watching it back how wonky the first shot is 😳
Re: Barb Island. Lemonade anyone? Video tease.

I love this mate, and it is one of the best scape on here at the moment. Make sure you get some decent pics of it before you take it down, as you should enter this in the IAPLC next year.