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Barb Island. its all over.

Re: 90x75x45 optiwhite. So what is plan B??

easerthegeezer said:
Not yet, ill sort the pics and vid tonight and with a little luck clive will chime in with some of his witchcraft 😉

Send him a PM with a link to your thread. He may not have read it :thumbup: He is one of the most helpful and knowledgeable guys around so I am sure he would not mind 🙂 Good luck sorting it though.
Re: 90x75x45 optiwhite. So what is plan B??

due a trim on my rotala rotundifolia tomorrow and i wasnt getting the bushiness i hoped for so did some searching best way to do trim it down and found this... i found it useful so thought i would post..

*removed* see below

little surprised by the hack and slash method. On the up side i will have plenty to sell on in the next few days.
Re: 90x75x45 optiwhite. So what is plan B??

haha thats the wrong video... ill try again...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npCITFjH ... r_embedded

Housemate just rung me and he wants me to go to town with him this arvo to get a 100mm macro and a UWA lens for his 600D, which will fit my 550D nicely.
Gotta love housemates with deep pockets and no will power :lol:
Re: 90x75x45 optiwhite. So what is plan B??

justjason88 said:
great vid thanks easer

glad you liked it mate.

So i had a big old maintenance day today and took some very quick pics and a movie to show my issues.

Heres the tank today after trimming the stems.

BBA in carpet all across the front half of the tank

Also on bolbitus at the front

Crappy no edit vid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FJODFeu ... e=youtu.be

Also had a play around with my housemates macro lens on the marine, i did try the wide angle but couldnt make it work for me.




Re: 90x75x45 optiwhite. Light level opinion??

ok so i have been scratching my bald head about the way forward and while i wait until i get the spray bar sorted later this week another thought occurred to me.
Ever since i set this tank up i was always have assumed (there is that stupid assumption again!) that the lighting was relatively low as the unit is 60cm above the water so 1m above substrate.
So what are your opinions... 150w metal halide and 2 x 24w T5 for 6 hours a day at 60cm above waterline in a cheap unit with effectively no reflectors, do you think the light could be a lot higher than i presumed??
Really wish i could afford a par metre!! If anyone has one and would like to rent it for a weekend then i would bite your arm off... 😉
Re: 90x75x45 optiwhite. light levels??

mikeappleby said:
I recently cut down from 4 T5s at 65cm above substrate to 2 T5s, put in 25 new amanos and dosed flourish excel. And now I have a tank with healthy plants, spreading HC and no algae to be seen.

Mike, when you say "new amanos" was that in addition to some already there? In which case how many do you have (as far as you can estimate) in total ? Do you have any other cleanup crew ? Ramshorns ? Other shrimp ? Ottos ? 🙂 Cheers.
90x75x45 optiwhite. light levels??

About 35 amanos, 10 ottos, 15 ramshorns and 10 very wary cherry shrimp babies.

My theory is that with no hardscaping you need much less than that. It's keeping the hardscaping clean that's difficult.

Still much less than amano himself. He has hundreds of shrimp and ottos looking at his YouTube tanks.
Re: 90x75x45 optiwhite. light levels??

mikeappleby said:
About 35 amanos, 10 ottos, 15 ramshorns and 10 very wary cherry shrimp babies.

My theory is that with no hardscaping you need much less than that. It's keeping the hardscaping clean that's difficult.

Still much less than amano himself. He has hundreds of shrimp and ottos looking at his YouTube tanks.

Sounds like a good crew to me :thumbup:
Re: 90x75x45 optiwhite. spraybars!!

So i finally got the spraybars finished, i made two individual ones and joined them in the middle with perspex rod. I made them so the tube down the back of the tank goes all the way to the holes in the cupboard so that i can use eheim tubing in the cupboard as i prefer it to the softer clear variety. I can pull the join in the middle apart for easy cleaning.

One side has a tighter bend than the other so might make another as it is neater. Fluval G6 only shows a 5% drop in flow which im happy with.

Cant say if it is an improvement yet but the tennelus has had a growth spurt so i am feeling positive.




Re: 90x75x45 optiwhite. spraybars!!

+ 1 for the above. Look very good Iain, hopefully will help with the niggling issues too!
Re: 90x75x45 optiwhite. spraybars!!

You've made a bloody good job of that. Really nice :thumbup:
Re: 90x75x45 optiwhite. spraybars!!

Ady34 said:
+ 1 for the above. Look very good Iain, hopefully will help with the niggling issues too!
Heres hoping mate, im running out of ideas if this doesnt help.
Alastair said:
sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet spray bars mate very nice :clap: :clap: :clap:
Cheers alistair, 13mm ones will look good in the puddle 😉
Gary Nelson said:
Very nice, they look great! :thumbup:
Thanks Gary
Antipofish said:
You've made a bloody good job of that. Really nice :thumbup:
I wont show you the first 6 sets :lol:

All it takes is a bit of love, burnt fingers and a bunch of crappy ones!
Now just to test some inlet styles and blown lily shape ones... I find bending them strangely therapeutic :crazy:
Re: 90x75x45 optiwhite. spraybars!!

mikeappleby said:
yup, impressive. what did you use to bend the pipes?

Love and patience mate :lol:

They were done the same way as the video in your thread mate. Very slowly with a heat gun.
Re: 90x75x45 optiwhite. So what is plan B??

easerthegeezer said:
haha thats the wrong video... ill try again...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npCITFjH ... r_embedded

Housemate just rung me and he wants me to go to town with him this arvo to get a 100mm macro and a UWA lens for his 600D, which will fit my 550D nicely.
Gotta love housemates with deep pockets and no will power :lol:

Cool music, what's it called and who is it by?