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Bacteria when adding fish?


21 Feb 2022
Rhode Island
I just added 5 gertrude rainbowfish to a 60p. The tank has been set up for a couple months (cycled with aquasoil) but with no inhabitants up till now. Tank is heavily planted with stem plants. The lady at the store strong armed me into buying denitrifying bacteria in a bottle because she thinks my tank is going to cycle to the point there will be significant ammonia spikes. Should I bother putting this stuff in?
Hello. What are your current Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate readings? Can you advise?

I have not used Bacteria in a Bottle, but my research shows that this rarely - if at all in an off-the-shelf bottle - works. IF your tank is cycled, and you have plants and you have just added a few fish then this is going to work.
she thinks my tank is going to cycle to the point there will be significant ammonia spikes.
I also do not understand what this means! Cycled to the point of signifcant Nitrate spikes maybe, but not sure why she is saying amonnia.
[…]The lady at the store strong armed me into buying denitrifying bacteria in a bottle because she thinks my tank is going to cycle to the point there will be significant ammonia spikes. Should I bother putting this stuff in?
That lady has no clue what she is talking about and all she wants is for you to give her your hard earned money. Ignore her.
If your tank has been cycled for months and it is heavily planted there is absolutly not a single reason to add exogenous bacteria. Any ammonia that will be produced by your new fish will be absorbed by your plants and bacteria in no time.
Show us your tank.
Ok thank you that’s what I figured. This is the only place to buy fish other than petco near me…I’d have to drive almost two hours to go somewhere else so I didn’t want to get into it with her about it. I told her I cycled my tank with aqua soil and it is planted with a lot of stems but she told me plants don’t absorb ammonia ….

I’ll take a picture today when my lights turn on. Thanks for confirming what I thought.
Here is a shot of my tank. I just trimmed on Sunday so things havent really grown back in yet. Also apologize for the dirty pipes they need a cleaning.


  • Tank.jpg
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Hi all,
No, it should be fine, you don't need to add anything. If you wanted "belt and braces" you could add a floating plant <"What is the “Duckweed Index” all about?"> and / or <"Using stem plants as a filtering aid at Start Up!">
buying denitrifying bacteria in a bottle because she thinks my tank is going to cycle to the point there will be significant ammonia spikes. Should I bother putting this stuff in?
It really <"makes you despair">.

Why would <"denitrifying bacteria help">? Even if you could buy them in a bottle? Nitrifying bacteria (that oxidise ammonia) would make more sense, but they would still be pointless - <"Correspondence with Dr Ryan Newton - School of Freshwater Sciences, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee">
but she told me plants don’t absorb ammonia ….
And that is the problem straight away.
🤣 - She clearly has absolutely no clue what she is saying.
Message to the lady in question in case she ever reads this: the earth is not flat.
It really is disgraceful. It is like going to a "chiropodist" and being told people don't have feet. I'm not expecting every-one who works in a pet-shop to have encyclopaedic knowledge, but at least they should understand the fundamentals of their business.

cheers Darrel