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Bacteria/biological starters

Thanks Darrel, very informative.

I don't know if you posted the below study but it's very readable for us simple mortals. I've picked a few quotes...

It basically says that in fresh water aquariums the dominant nitrifyers are "ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA), belonging to the newly proposed phylum Thaumarchaeota"...The amount of AOA compared to AOB is orders of magnitude higher in freshwater biofilters according to the study and its inversely related to the ammonia concentration. They suggest that the first nitrifyers in newly set up tanks could be AOB due to the higher ammonia levels and as the levels go down, there's a shift to AOA dominance. In my personal opinion.

This study used quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) to quantify the ammonia monooxygenase (amoA) and 16S rRNA genes of Bacteria and Thaumarchaeota in freshwater aquarium biofilters, in addition to assessing the diversity of AOA amoA genes by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and clone libraries. AOA were numerically dominant in 23 of 27 freshwater biofilters, and in 12 of these biofilters AOA contributed all detectable amoAgenes.

For freshwater aquaria, the proportion of amoA genes from AOA relative to AOB was inversely correlated with ammonium concentration...

Neither hardness nor alkalinity correlated significantly with any other water chemistry parameters....

Although the detectable ammonia concentrations in established freshwater aquaria are typically low as a result of biological ammonia oxidation, a preference for high ammonia concentrations by AOB suggests a possible role for their involvement in first establishing an aquarium when ammonia concentrations may approach levels associated with fish toxicity. In addition, ammonium concentration was positively and significantly correlated with the number of fish per gallon of aquarium water (Tables S2 and S3), suggesting that AOB may also be important for heavily stocked tanks that experience chronic high ammonia concentrations.

This study has identified that AOA are the dominant ammonia oxidizing microorganisms in freshwater aquarium biofilters. Aquarium ammonium concentrations were significantly and inversely correlated with AOA∶AOB ratios.

We also sampled from eight saltwater aquarium filters and two aquarium supplements for comparison (Table S1). Bacterial supplements (typically bottled liquid suspensions) are intended to aid in populating newly established aquaria with active nitrifying bacteria, to help ensure that ammonia and nitrite concentrations remain below toxic levels during the initial 1–2 months of aquarium filter colonization. The aquarium supplements included were Cycle (SP1; Rolf C. Hagen Inc., Montreal, Canada), and Bio-Support (SP2; Big Al's Distribution Centre, Niagara Falls, NY).

Bacterial amoA genes were abundant in both supplements, but thaumarchaeal amoA and 16S rRNA genes could not be detected.
And the below one focuses on diversity of AOA.
Partitioning of Thaumarchaeota populations along environmental gradients in high mountain lakes

Some quotes:

Overall, this study provides strong evidence that, as for soil AOA, pH may be an important driver of aquatic AOA community composition with specific 16S rRNA and amoA gene lineages adapted to different pH ranges. Initially believed to be restricted to acidic soils, phylogenetic analyses revealed that AOA from the SAGMGC‐1 cluster are potentially important players in the nitrogen cycle of oligotrophic freshwater environments.

In recent years, environmental rRNA sequencing has shown that Archaea are extensively present in freshwater ecosystems and that most of them (excluding methanogens) are unrelated, or at best distantly related, to cultured counterparts (Auguet et al., 2010). Therefore, the metabolic potential of archaea in continental aquatic ecosystems and the impact in the freshwater biogeochemical cycling are largely unknown. There are, however, a few exceptions that have been recently explored. Among the archaeal phyla detected in freshwaters, Thaumarchaeota dominate in oligotrophic water assemblages, and harbour the amoA gene (Llirós et al., 2010; Auguet et al., 2011, 2012). Thus, increasing evidence suggests that Archaeamay play a major role in ammonia oxidation in lakes and rivers (Herfort et al., 2009; Merbt et al., 2011; Auguet et al., 2012).

We observed, however, that lakes with the highest DOC concentrations and, more generally, lakes with mesoeutrophic conditions apparently favoured Euryarchaeota instead of Thaumarchaeota. These freshwater euryarchaeotal lineages are largely unknown and certainly deserve further and specific research (Barberán et al., 2011).

For the AOA communities, the heterogeneity of the Pyrenean landscape allowed us to examine the influence of environmental gradients on the ecology and distribution of aquatic ammonia oxidizers. The results support the traditional species sorting concept in which local environmental gradients create spatial niches occupied by species with distinct environmental tolerances. Physicochemical variables, and particularly pH, were significant predictors of the 16S rRNA and amoA gene phylogenetic structure. The importance of pH in microbial assemblage abundance, composition and activity has been widely documented, particularly for soil microorganisms involved in nitrogen cycling (Fierer & Jackson, 2006; Bru et al., 2011; and references therein). In addition, lower nitrification rates have been reported with increasing water acidification (Rudd et al., 1988; Huesemann et al., 2002; Beman et al., 2011). Although AOA with different physiological and ecological niches (i.e. acidophilic, acidoneutrophilic and alkalinophilic) have been reported along pH gradients in soils (Nicol et al., 2008; Gubry‐Rangin et al., 2011; Pester et al., 2012), the influence of pH remains unclear as both negative and positive correlations between amoA gene abundance and pH have been observed. The results we have found in lakes agree with the findings in soils, suggesting specific selection and adaptation of AOA lineages to low pH. Interestingly, the AOA in the acidic Lake Aixeus (i.e. SAGMGC‐1 16S rRNA lineage, and Soil/Fresh 1 amoA clade) were similar to those found in acidic soils, and specifically to N. devanaterra, the first obligate acidophilic ammonia‐oxidizing Thaumarchaeota (Lehtovirta‐Morley et al., 2011), suggesting phylogenetic conservation for the adaptive mechanisms developed to cope with low pH conditions (Gubry‐Rangin et al., 2011). Under low pH the availability of NH3, the substrate for ammonia monooxygenase, is strongly reduced by protonization to fem12047-math-0004.gif (Frijlink et al., 1992), and N. devanaterra shows the ability to grow at very low ammonia concentrations (0.18 nm, Lehtovirta‐Morley et al., 2011). It remains to be tested whether members of the aquatic SAGMGC‐1 may also have high ammonia affinity at low pH, which may explain the success of SAGMGC‐1 over I.1a Thaumarchaetoa in Lake Aixeus. In a recent study, we observed lineage segregation along the vertical gradient of a deep alpine lake (Auguet et al., 2012). Here, we show that pH is also an important environmental factor that may determine the composition of aquatic AOA assemblages.
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Thanks Darrel, very informative.

I don't know if you posted the below study but it's very readable for us simple mortals. I've picked a few quotes...

It basically says that in fresh water aquariums the dominant nitrifyers are "ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA), belonging to the newly proposed phylum Thaumarchaeota"...The amount of AOA compared to AOB is orders of magnitude higher in freshwater biofilters according to the study and its inversely related to the ammonia concentration. They suggest that the first nitrifyers in newly set up tanks could be AOB due to the higher ammonia levels and as the levels go down, there's a shift to AOA dominance. In my personal opinion.

This study used quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) to quantify the ammonia monooxygenase (amoA) and 16S rRNA genes of Bacteria and Thaumarchaeota in freshwater aquarium biofilters, in addition to assessing the diversity of AOA amoA genes by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and clone libraries. AOA were numerically dominant in 23 of 27 freshwater biofilters, and in 12 of these biofilters AOA contributed all detectable amoAgenes.

For freshwater aquaria, the proportion of amoA genes from AOA relative to AOB was inversely correlated with ammonium concentration...

Neither hardness nor alkalinity correlated significantly with any other water chemistry parameters....

Although the detectable ammonia concentrations in established freshwater aquaria are typically low as a result of biological ammonia oxidation, a preference for high ammonia concentrations by AOB suggests a possible role for their involvement in first establishing an aquarium when ammonia concentrations may approach levels associated with fish toxicity. In addition, ammonium concentration was positively and significantly correlated with the number of fish per gallon of aquarium water (Tables S2 and S3), suggesting that AOB may also be important for heavily stocked tanks that experience chronic high ammonia concentrations.

This study has identified that AOA are the dominant ammonia oxidizing microorganisms in freshwater aquarium biofilters. Aquarium ammonium concentrations were significantly and inversely correlated with AOA∶AOB ratios.

We also sampled from eight saltwater aquarium filters and two aquarium supplements for comparison (Table S1). Bacterial supplements (typically bottled liquid suspensions) are intended to aid in populating newly established aquaria with active nitrifying bacteria, to help ensure that ammonia and nitrite concentrations remain below toxic levels during the initial 1–2 months of aquarium filter colonization. The aquarium supplements included were Cycle (SP1; Rolf C. Hagen Inc., Montreal, Canada), and Bio-Support (SP2; Big Al's Distribution Centre, Niagara Falls, NY).

Bacterial amoA genes were abundant in both supplements, but thaumarchaeal amoA and 16S rRNA genes could not be detected.

Timed out, can't put back the link to the study so here it is:

Aquarium Nitrification Revisited: Thaumarchaeota Are the Dominant Ammonia Oxidizers in Freshwater Aquarium Biofilters
Hi all,
Although the detectable ammonia concentrations in established freshwater aquaria are typically low as a result of biological ammonia oxidation, a preference for high ammonia concentrations by AOB suggests a possible role for their involvement in first establishing an aquarium when ammonia concentrations may approach levels associated with fish toxicity. In addition, ammonium concentration was positively and significantly correlated with the number of fish per gallon of aquarium water (Tables S2 and S3), suggesting that AOB may also be important for heavily stocked tanks that experience chronic high ammonia concentrations.
The paper has been <"referenced a few times on the forum">, I think initially by @George Farmer, following mention in "Practical Fishkeeping". There is also some discussion of the possible advantages of initial ammonia addition in <"Oxygen levels required"> and the linked <"PlanetCatfish thread">. Whatever side of the debate you stand on, I think the PlanetCatfish thread is worth reading.
Here, we show that pH is also an important environmental factor that may determine the composition of aquatic AOA assemblages.
I think pH is relevant, and I would be very surprised if you didn't get greater rates of nitrification in neutral, or alkaline, water.

cheers Darrel
It seems that the verdict on ammonia toxicity and AOA is still not confirmed. The below study is about soils but I think it is still relevant.
There's more on pH influence on AOA and Carbon uptake in the link
Drivers of archaeal ammonia-oxidizing communities in soil


Ammonia or Ammonium as Substrate for Ammonia Monooxygenase
Is ammonia (NH3) or the cation ammonium (NH4+) the substrate for the archaeal AMO enzyme? Ammonia is known to be the substrate of this initial step in bacterial ammonia oxidation (Suzuki et al., 1974; Arp et al., 2002). However, despite several studies dedicated to studying the biochemistry of AMO in bacteria, it still remains unknown whether ammonia or ammonium is the substrate for archaeal AMO (Martens-Habbena and Stahl, 2011). Bacterial oxidation of ammonia to nitrite (NO2-) is a two-step process. AMO oxidizes ammonia to hydroxylamine (NH2OH), and hydroxylamine oxidoreductase (HAO) catalyzes oxidation of hydroxylamine to nitrite (Arp et al., 2002). Structural differences in the archaeal AMO and bacterial AMO and the absence of genes encoding HAO and cytochrome c proteins for recycling electrons suggest important differences between bacterial and archaeal ammonia oxidation. For example, nitroxyl (HNO) rather than hydroxylamine may be the intermediate in the AMO enzymatic reaction, or a different cytochrome system may be responsible for electron channeling in AOA (Walker et al., 2010).

The majority of AOA discovered to date were found in oligotrophic conditions (Hatzenpichler et al., 2008; Walker et al., 2010). The affinity of marine archaeon Nitrosopumilus maritimus for ammonium/ammonia was 200-fold higher than substrate affinity of AOB (Martens-Habbena et al., 2009; Martens-Habbena and Stahl, 2011). These microorganisms can obtain energy even under very low concentrations of substrate. It has been suggested that the differences in substrate affinities allow AOA and AOB to inhabit distinct niches separated by substrate concentration and thereby reduce competition (Martens-Habbena et al., 2009; Schleper, 2010; Martens-Habbena and Stahl, 2011; Verhamme et al., 2011). There are studies that suggest substrate inhibition of archaeal nitrification if high concentrations of ammonia are present (Di et al., 2010; Tourna et al., 2010).

Because AMO in AOA has a much higher affinity for substrate than the analogous process in AOB, it has been suggested that AOA dominate over AOB where ammonia concentrations are particularly low. This seems to be the case in oligotrophic environments such as sea water or hot springs (Hatzenpichler et al., 2008; Walker et al., 2010). For example, Ca. Nitrososphaera gargensis, which was first found in hot springs, fixes bicarbonate at lower levels when the ammonia concentration was higher than 3.1 mM. The optimal ammonia concentration for bicarbonate fixation was much lower, between 0.14 and 0.8 mM (Hatzenpichler et al., 2008). Some studies suggest that substrate concentration does not influence thaumarchaeal ammonia oxidation (Stopnisek et al., 2010; Verhamme et al., 2011). These authors showed that AOA grew similarly at low, medium, and high ammonia concentrations, whereas AOB grew best only with high ammonia concentrations. Other factors were suggested to be important in the growth of AOA. Di et al. (2009)observed in nitrogen-rich grassland soils neither AOA abundance nor their activity increased with the application of a large dose of ammonia substrate. In this study, AOA abundance was not quantitatively related to nitrification rates. Similarly, Ke and Lu (2012) did not see any changes in AOA in paddy field soils after urea was applied as nitrogen fertilizer.

In some studies, high ammonia appears to promote AOA growth and activity. Treusch et al. (2005)found considerably higher amounts of archaeal amoA transcripts in those samples that had been amended with additional ammonia (10 mM). It was demonstrated that the soil archaea Nitrososphaera viennensis strain EN76 grows well in media containing ammonium concentrations as high as 15 mM, but its growth is inhibited at 20 mM (Tourna et al., 2011). This is considerably higher than the inhibitory concentration of 2–3 mM reported for the aquatic AOA Nitrosopumilus maritimus (Walker et al., 2010) and Ca. Nitrososphaera gargensis (Hatzenpichler et al., 2008). Tolerance for ammonia toxicity of Ca. Nitrosoarchaeum koreensis strain MY1, isolated from an acidic agricultural soil, was slightly lower, 5 mM, than that of Nitrososphaera viennensis (Jung et al., 2011). Park et al. (2006) found archaeal amoA in wastewater with 2 mM ammonia.

The source of substrate and its location can influence ammonia concentration in soil (Offre et al., 2009; Stopnisek et al., 2010; Verhamme et al., 2011). Ammonium production via mineralization, additions of ammonical fertilizers, animal wastes, and the atmospheric deposition of ammonium increases substrate supply, while competing consumptive processes include microbial assimilation (immobilization), plant assimilation, and ammonia volatilization reduce ammonia concentration (Norton and Stark, 2011). In addition, AOA do not respond to the addition of mineral nitrogen to soil (Di et al., 2009; Jia and Conrad, 2009; Stopnisek et al., 2010; Verhamme et al., 2011; Ke and Lu, 2012). In contrast, AOB increase in abundance after addition of ammonium sulfate or urine (Di et al., 2009, 2010; Jia and Conrad, 2009; Hofferle et al., 2010). Archaeal amoA gene copies and nitrate concentration increased during incubation soil for 30 days (Offre et al., 2009). All ammonia in this soil was generated by nitrogen mineralization since no ammonia was added. Also, it was shown in upland field soils archaeal 16S rRNA gene was significantly affected by the class of fertilizer (chemical or organic fertilizer). In four different soil types 16S rRNA abundance of AOA was about 0.1–0.9 × 108 gene copy number higher in the plots where organic fertilizers were added than in the plots with chemical fertilizer addition.

Nitrate concentrations likely differ greatly both spatially and temporally under these two scenarios (Stopnisek et al., 2010). While ammonia from organic matter mineralization is slowly and constantly liberated resulting in low, but steady, levels of ammonia, an application of mineral nitrogen fertilizer promotes a burst of ammonia. Archaeal ammonia oxidizers should be expected to be in a higher abundance in the soils with high organic matter, which would provide a constant source of substrate (Stopnisek et al., 2010).

Adaptation to different concentrations of ammonia and the ability to survive even at extremely low concentrations of ammonia, together with other ecological factors, contribute to the ecological fitness and niche adaptation of AOA and AOB. The presence of different ecophysiological adaptations such as different concentrations of substrate suggests that a wide range of ecotypes can be expected to occur among soil AOA.
Ammonia or Ammonium as Substrate for Ammonia Monooxygenase
Is ammonia (NH3) or the cation ammonium (NH4+) the substrate for the archaeal AMO enzyme? Ammonia is known to be the substrate of this initial step in bacterial ammonia oxidation (Suzuki et al., 1974; Arp et al., 2002). However, despite several studies dedicated to studying the biochemistry of AMO in bacteria, it still remains unknown whether ammonia or ammonium is the substrate for archaeal AMO (Martens-Habbena and Stahl, 2011). Bacterial oxidation of ammonia to nitrite (NO2-) is a two-step process. AMO oxidizes ammonia to hydroxylamine (NH2OH), and hydroxylamine oxidoreductase (HAO) catalyzes oxidation of hydroxylamine to nitrite (Arp et al., 2002). Structural differences in the archaeal AMO and bacterial AMO and the absence of genes encoding HAO and cytochrome c proteins for recycling electrons suggest important differences between bacterial and archaeal ammonia oxidation. For example, nitroxyl (HNO) rather than hydroxylamine may be the intermediate in the AMO enzymatic reaction, or a different cytochrome system may be responsible for electron channeling in AOA (Walker et al., 2010).

The majority of AOA discovered to date were found in oligotrophic conditions (Hatzenpichler et al., 2008; Walker et al., 2010). The affinity of marine archaeon Nitrosopumilus maritimus for ammonium/ammonia was 200-fold higher than substrate affinity of AOB (Martens-Habbena et al., 2009; Martens-Habbena and Stahl, 2011). These microorganisms can obtain energy even under very low concentrations of substrate. It has been suggested that the differences in substrate affinities allow AOA and AOB to inhabit distinct niches separated by substrate concentration and thereby reduce competition (Martens-Habbena et al., 2009; Schleper, 2010; Martens-Habbena and Stahl, 2011; Verhamme et al., 2011). There are studies that suggest substrate inhibition of archaeal nitrification if high concentrations of ammonia are present (Di et al., 2010; Tourna et al., 2010).

Because AMO in AOA has a much higher affinity for substrate than the analogous process in AOB, it has been suggested that AOA dominate over AOB where ammonia concentrations are particularly low. This seems to be the case in oligotrophic environments such as sea water or hot springs (Hatzenpichler et al., 2008; Walker et al., 2010). For example, Ca. Nitrososphaera gargensis, which was first found in hot springs, fixes bicarbonate at lower levels when the ammonia concentration was higher than 3.1 mM. The optimal ammonia concentration for bicarbonate fixation was much lower, between 0.14 and 0.8 mM (Hatzenpichler et al., 2008). Some studies suggest that substrate concentration does not influence thaumarchaeal ammonia oxidation (Stopnisek et al., 2010; Verhamme et al., 2011). These authors showed that AOA grew similarly at low, medium, and high ammonia concentrations, whereas AOB grew best only with high ammonia concentrations. Other factors were suggested to be important in the growth of AOA. Di et al. (2009)observed in nitrogen-rich grassland soils neither AOA abundance nor their activity increased with the application of a large dose of ammonia substrate. In this study, AOA abundance was not quantitatively related to nitrification rates. Similarly, Ke and Lu (2012) did not see any changes in AOA in paddy field soils after urea was applied as nitrogen fertilizer.

In some studies, high ammonia appears to promote AOA growth and activity. Treusch et al. (2005)found considerably higher amounts of archaeal amoA transcripts in those samples that had been amended with additional ammonia (10 mM). It was demonstrated that the soil archaea Nitrososphaera viennensis strain EN76 grows well in media containing ammonium concentrations as high as 15 mM, but its growth is inhibited at 20 mM (Tourna et al., 2011). This is considerably higher than the inhibitory concentration of 2–3 mM reported for the aquatic AOA Nitrosopumilus maritimus (Walker et al., 2010) and Ca. Nitrososphaera gargensis (Hatzenpichler et al., 2008). Tolerance for ammonia toxicity of Ca. Nitrosoarchaeum koreensis strain MY1, isolated from an acidic agricultural soil, was slightly lower, 5 mM, than that of Nitrososphaera viennensis (Jung et al., 2011). Park et al. (2006) found archaeal amoA in wastewater with 2 mM ammonia.

The source of substrate and its location can influence ammonia concentration in soil (Offre et al., 2009; Stopnisek et al., 2010; Verhamme et al., 2011). Ammonium production via mineralization, additions of ammonical fertilizers, animal wastes, and the atmospheric deposition of ammonium increases substrate supply, while competing consumptive processes include microbial assimilation (immobilization), plant assimilation, and ammonia volatilization reduce ammonia concentration (Norton and Stark, 2011). In addition, AOA do not respond to the addition of mineral nitrogen to soil (Di et al., 2009; Jia and Conrad, 2009; Stopnisek et al., 2010; Verhamme et al., 2011; Ke and Lu, 2012). In contrast, AOB increase in abundance after addition of ammonium sulfate or urine (Di et al., 2009, 2010; Jia and Conrad, 2009; Hofferle et al., 2010). Archaeal amoA gene copies and nitrate concentration increased during incubation soil for 30 days (Offre et al., 2009). All ammonia in this soil was generated by nitrogen mineralization since no ammonia was added. Also, it was shown in upland field soils archaeal 16S rRNA gene was significantly affected by the class of fertilizer (chemical or organic fertilizer). In four different soil types 16S rRNA abundance of AOA was about 0.1–0.9 × 108 gene copy number higher in the plots where organic fertilizers were added than in the plots with chemical fertilizer addition.

Nitrate concentrations likely differ greatly both spatially and temporally under these two scenarios (Stopnisek et al., 2010). While ammonia from organic matter mineralization is slowly and constantly liberated resulting in low, but steady, levels of ammonia, an application of mineral nitrogen fertilizer promotes a burst of ammonia. Archaeal ammonia oxidizers should be expected to be in a higher abundance in the soils with high organic matter, which would provide a constant source of substrate (Stopnisek et al., 2010).

Adaptation to different concentrations of ammonia and the ability to survive even at extremely low concentrations of ammonia, together with other ecological factors, contribute to the ecological fitness and niche adaptation of AOA and AOB. The presence of different ecophysiological adaptations such as different concentrations of substrate suggests that a wide range of ecotypes can be expected to occur among soil AOA.
Whatever side of the debate you stand on, I think the PlanetCatfish thread is worth reading.

Thanks Darrel. I have actually already read that thread. I will try not to "debate" over that 😀 but from my point of view the AOA data available is consistent with annecdotal experience and empirical observation of aquarium cycling. And perhaps what we like to call a "matured tank" is simply the result of the process of establishing the most dominant nitrifyers, be it AOB or AOA of different types, depending on the conditions of that particular tank. I think that process is gradual and how it happens and what exactly nitrifying AOA and AOB establishes is mostly irrelevant to mere fishkeepers as a tank always "matures" one way or another.
Hi all, In the thread we had a while ago, using ADA aquasoil, <"Cycling without plants?"> it allowed the owner (@Cor) to "cycle" the tank with the light off. He didn't need to add any nutrients, because he was using Aquasoil. Made me laugh, but I'm not sure <"Karl Popper"> would approve.

This is something that I admire about Dr Tim Hovanec, even though he was scientifically (and economically invested) in the traditional view of nitrification, he has been willing to admit that <"the past is another country"> in light of more recent research into microbial filtration.

cheers Darrel
Ahh OK, I thought the point of the ADA soil was to give the plants the best start in life by loading up the column well in excess of nutrients many times EI values, last I heard was 100x. Just seems odd that one would "wash out" some of them in the dark before the plants get the benefit but clearly it's more complicated than that and above my pay grade.

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Hi all,
These microorganisms can obtain energy even under very low concentrations of substrate. It has been suggested that the differences in substrate affinities allow AOA and AOB to inhabit distinct niches separated by substrate concentration and thereby reduce competition (Martens-Habbena et al., 2009; Schleper, 2010; Martens-Habbena and Stahl, 2011; Verhamme et al., 2011). There are studies that suggest substrate inhibition of archaeal nitrification if high concentrations of ammonia are present (Di et al., 2010; Tourna et al., 2010).
... And perhaps what we like to call a "matured tank" is simply the result of the process of establishing the most dominant nitrifyers, be it AOB or AOA of different types, depending on the conditions of that particular tank. I think that process is gradual and how it happens and what exactly nitrifying AOA and AOB establishes is mostly irrelevant to mere fishkeepers as a tank always "matures" one way or another.
I'd be pretty confident that those summarise the situation.

Personally I'm always going to keep planted tanks with relatively low fish stocking, low nutrients and frequent water changes. If you like it is the <"oligotrophic approach">. I've corresponded a lot with <"Viktor Jarikov from PlanetCatfish">, we couldn't be more different in our approaches, but he understands what he is doing, and why he is doing it, and you have to say it works brilliantly for him.

As an aside to this thread, @sciencefiction's <"Round Indoor Pond Project"> is probably about as good as you can get in terms of fish welfare, the combination of the solid walled tub, the large water volume, water changes and emergent vegetation is absolutely ideal.

cheers Darrel
As an aside to this thread, @sciencefiction's <"Round Indoor Pond Project"> is probably about as good as you can get in terms of fish welfare, the combination of the solid walled tub, the large water volume, water changes and emergent vegetation is absolutely ideal.

Thanks for mentioning it Darrel, I don't want it to sound like boasting, hence I refrained from posting initially but this particular tank is indeed doing extremely well. I dare say it's the best I ever got in terms of quality of fish keeping and it is something I am going to be aiming at from now on for any future fish pets The fish are in top health and have great colors and even though I've had some of them for years, their behavior in this tank in comparison to before is like discovering a new continent. The fish are actually literally "playful" and very relaxed at the same time. There's no nervous or anxious swimming around, even during water changes.
They're curious rather than skittish. I am amazed at how well everything is working out. The water also remains crystal clear for some reason, not much effort from me on that part. It's like glass and it actually has a very enthralling type of smell, like from a distant memory in my childhood when I was swimming somewhere nice and natural. It's a sweet type of smell. I am not sure if its good or bad but I actually keep sniffing it when I sit over as I put my chin against the edge of the tank and watch the fish do their thing. For a change, they actually love seeing me there and keep bunching under my nose. Not all of them used to do that before 😉

If one has ever had a tank that makes them smile when they look at it, they'll know what I mean....I am a very anxious fish keeper and very observant person so I generally rarely see things as perfect but this tank makes me relax and think for at least a moment or two that everything I've done has indeed benefited the fish and its not a mirage of some sort :lol:
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Hi Folks,

I realize that this thread was started over a year ago. But I just want to add that I have had a lot of success with Tetra SafeStart bottled bacteria. As many people will know, this product was developed by Dr Tim Hovanec. Using SafeStart, I have cycled a tank 'from scratch' in just six days. I use remineralized RO water with a few additional trace elements and it is very reliable. My source of ammonia is ammonium chloride.

Hi all,
was developed by Dr Tim Hovanec
Personally I've got a lot of time for Dr Hovanec, I don't have any practical experience of his products, but he has embraced <"the newer findings"> in his subject area.
Using SafeStart, I have cycled a tank 'from scratch' in just six days.
My source of ammonia is ammonium chloride.
I'm not going there for either of those. I think @rebel's comments in <"Is it still cycled"> would be where I am with that one.

Personally I'm pretty sure that the concept of <"cycling with ammonia"> has had its day in the planted tank, and in the future we will look back on it in the way that I look at <"aged tank water"> now.

It was the convention in the 1970's that not changing your tank water was a good thing, and I never questioned it. Hind-sight is a wonderful thing, but it didn't make any more sense then, but we just never questioned it.

cheers Darrel