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Back to freshwater after 20 years - help! :)


25 Feb 2024
Essex, UK
Hi all. Just joined the forum after picking up a 94L Kent/Interpet tank today with the intention of having a basic, planted freshwater tank on my home office desk (photo attached!). I specifically wanted a tank 50-100L, fairly tall, and with a built-in filter with weir assembly, so this fits the bill perfectly!

After many years of reef keeping (albeit I stopped that maybe a decade ago), I just want to build something simple rather than getting super deep into a new aspect of the hobby, as quite often we're away and will be relying on family/friends to maintain/feed the livestock!

So with this in mind, I am thinking about aquascaping. There won't be any CO2 injection. Hell, there may not even be weekly water changes. Hardly plants at best.

I do have a question around substrate though. I've started to familiarise myself with products like TMC NutraSoil, Tropica and Dennerle. I am wondering, do they all break down and turn to dust/mud? Is this a problem? I want low maintenance remember, but I would like it to be somewhat successful. I don't know if @ceg4048 still frequents the forum, but this definitely seems to be his kind of thing! 🙂

Whilst TMC is fairly local to me here in Essex, I am not precious. I just want something simple. Advice/thoughts appreciated.


I do have a question around substrate though. I've started to familiarise myself with products like TMC NutraSoil, Tropica and Dennerle. I am wondering, do they all break down and turn to dust/mud?
I believe all of the soil based products will eventually break down some quicker than others and all will start to lose their benefits (nourishment, KH buffering) after 6 months to a year. If it's low maintenance and longevity you're after I would go with Eco Complete or the like or just plain sand/gravel.
Welcome🙂 Have a look in at the tutorials and articles
Thanks for the welcome, I have been doing lots of reading.

I believe all of the soil based products will eventually break down some quicker than others and all will start to lose their benefits (nourishment, KH buffering) after 6 months to a year. If it's low maintenance and longevity you're after I would go with Eco Complete or the like or just plain sand/gravel.
Thanks. From what i've read, EcoComplete is still a clay-based product - any reason this won't break down like the rest? Also do you know if it breaking down is actually an issue anyway?.. I'm not too worried about aesthetics. The purpose of this tank is a light distraction whilst sitting in boring meetings at home!

Hello and welcome 🙂
Thank you 🙂
Hi all,
Welcome to UKAPs
EcoComplete is still a clay-based product - any reason this won't break down like the rest?
You <"maybe able to get moler clay based substrate"> (<"I used cat litter">) or a <"calcined (heated) clay product"> (like "Turface" in the USA). Personally I just use "play sand" with a minimal amount of <"clay soil and leaf mold added"> and add fertiliser via the water column.
...... When I set up a new tank I just mix a small amount (5 - 10% by volume) of the PYO soil, with a similar proportion of Beech (Fagus sylvatica) leaf mold and ~90% silica sand....
You can get coarser sands (like pool filter sand) but I prefer a small grain, soft option. I don't attempt to vacuum it <"To vacuum or not to vacuum....that is the question.">, but I have Malaysian Trumpet Snails (Melanoides tuberculata) etc.
Is this a problem? I want low maintenance remember, but I would like it to be somewhat successful
Welcome🙂 Have a look in at the tutorials and articles
Not necessarily. Have a look at @Tim Harrison 's tutorial <"Soil Substrate or Dirted Tank - A How to Guide">
I don't know if @ceg4048 still frequents the forum, but this definitely seems to be his kind of thing!
Unfortunately Clive hasn't been active for a while (not since the 6th of January), I know he has been unwell (but not any details), but we are definitely hoping that he will return.
I'm not too worried about aesthetics. The purpose of this tank is a light distraction whilst sitting in boring meetings at home!
Perfect. I definitely <"don't do aesthetics"> and <"I can sympathise"> about the meetings.

cheers Darrel
Thanks. From what i've read, EcoComplete is still a clay-based product - any reason this won't break down like the rest?
Eco Complete is volcanic basalt and as such will not break down, but
Also do you know if it breaking down is actually an issue anyway?
Not a problem at all, I'm using Colombo Flora Base which is three years old and I would guesstimate is now 50% powder, but that's now an ecosystem unto itself.
Just go with what you want mate, whatever pleases your eye and pocket, there are a lot of different methods and they can all work.
I look forward to seeing how you get on, Cheers!
Hi all,
Welcome to UKAPs
You <"maybe able to get moler clay based substrate"> (<"I used cat litter">) or a <"calcined (heated) clay product"> (like "Turface" in the USA). Personally I just use "play sand" with a minimal amount of <"clay soil and leaf mold added"> and add fertiliser via the water column.
You can get coarser sands (like pool filter sand) but I prefer a small grain, soft option. I don't attempt to vacuum it <"To vacuum or not to vacuum....that is the question.">, but I have Malaysian Trumpet Snails (Melanoides tuberculata) etc.
Not necessarily. Have a look at @Tim Harrison 's tutorial <"Soil Substrate or Dirted Tank - A How to Guide">
Unfortunately Clive hasn't been active for a while (not since the 6th of January), I know he has been unwell (but not any details), but we are definitely hoping that he will return.
cheers Darrel
Thanks, will take a look through the guides. Did read through the Dirted Tank partially this morning, interesting stuff. I'm really trying to keep this as basic as possible though without getting too much into the chemistry side of life. This is a somewhat political and survival instinct (read: joint project). Shame about Clive, hope he's well and back soon. I am discovering there is a great wealth of knowledge and experience on this board, so that's great news. I look forward to both exploiting it, and sharing my own experiences.

Welcome 🙂
Thanks 🙂

Eco Complete is volcanic basalt and as such will not break down, but

Not a problem at all, I'm using Colombo Flora Base which is three years old and I would guesstimate is now 50% powder, but that's now an ecosystem unto itself.
Just go with what you want mate, whatever pleases your eye and pocket, there are a lot of different methods and they can all work.
I look forward to seeing how you get on, Cheers!
Hm ok, thanks for the clarification regarding Eco Complete. I guess my concern with substrate is to do with my KISS approach.. I don't want a tank crash because something has moved. I am not always at home and rely on the cleaner/family to feed the animals, and fish will become a part of that routine.

Welcome! 🙂
Thanks 🙂

hi, what lighting does that tank have?
Good question. It's a Kent BioReef 94, so I think it's a blue/white mix of both CFL and LED suitable more for corals. They're standard 4-pin CFL tubes, which should be available in different wavelengths to suit.

I thought i'd share a few photos of old aquariums i've had in the past..






Well, it's started.. follow the progress here if you like 🙂
