Received the capsules today, just waiting for the automatic filler that I managed to get for £2+postage! With the filler I can fill 50 capsules at a time with the fert I want, so makes it easier to fill in bulk and dose accordingly.
Tested one of the capsules today, they take about 5/6 hours to fully disolve, at least 3 hours before they will release the contents.
The testing with the Auto Feeder is going great, where its placed it doesn't get any humidity stays allways dry which is a good result, tomorrow I will test how much I can get into each capsule.
When I get the auto filler I will start a test from next weekend and then see how it goes. Would be nice to just fill the Auto Feeder with two weeks worth of ferts and food and just forget about it, and just dose the EasyCarbo every so often. I am looking for a auto dose pump for that too 😉
Will report back with some photos when I get everything organized and ready for testing.