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Are these planaria or rhabdocoela?


4 Jun 2021
I posted preciously but couldn't get a proper video. Now I have a clearer video of it, hope someone could help! Just some basic information, it's a new tank 14 days into the cycling, I don't use fish food or whatsoever, just plant it and let it cycle while doing regular water changes.

This is meant to be a shrimp tank in the future, which is why I'm worried because I read that planaria would be harmful to shrimps.

On another topic, does anyone knows why are these 'bubbles' stuck to the edge of the tank?

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Hi all,
They don't look like planaria to me. They move differently and don't have an arrow head.
The one at the front, in the substrate is an <"annelid worm">. There are also some <"Ostracods">, (bottom left) and possibly the small organisms at the front. They might be <"Cladocera">?

The flatworms look more like <"Rhabdocoela"> but you would need to see more detail to exclude <"Planaria">.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,

The one at the front, in the substrate is an <"annelid worm">. There are also some <"Ostracods">, (bottom left) and possibly the small organisms at the front. They might be <"Cladocera">?

The flatworms look more like <"Rhabdocoela"> but you would need to see more detail to exclude <"Planaria">.

cheers Darrel
Thank you, other than the possibility of planaria, are any of the other you identified dangerous to the aquarium?