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Aquatics live cancelled.

I'm gutted that its cancelled, i've really enjoyed meeting up with the UKaps members that attend, and will sorely miss the opportunity to do so.
I'd like to echoe what george said, PFK have done everything they could to support the show, and i'm sure they would continue to do so, were the show running.
Such a specialist interest show is always going to be of risk to the organisers, and really needs to be handled by a company large enough to take a loss for the first 3-5 years whilst they build the show's reputation. Even then there is no guarantee of success or profit. I'd say well done to "On Show Events" for putting their necks on the block and giving it a try.

I also do not buy PFK, and not because I want stuff for free, after all I do subscribe (pay) to other online magazines. The reason I do not subscribe to PFK is that for me, the magazine is pretty lame.

And that may be the reason others do not support it, getting stuff for free may not be the reason.

Been to Vivarium, and it was amazing, well worth the trip, and I am sure if something similar was done in the UK people would come from far and wide to see it. Maybe do something similar to vivarium either in London, or in another major city.. not in the sticks, otherwise no one would go.
Mix reptiles, insects, and fish tanks, big following in the UK, and in Europe.

There is the London Pet Show soon, and it will be a sell out.. Why can't the companies get a stand there? Too expensive maybe? So you got to spend money to make money. 🙂

I feel that for the UK "afficionado" keep looking at Europe, and buy online, if the companies do not keep up, buy from the competition, pretty simple.
That is if the PFK company have money to invest in shows. The money comes from sales. And if i read here that some say they don't read PFK anymore how can anyone expect PFK to support anything? With what?

I have international business and I know these things.

What do you know ? That if you own a magazine it costs nothing to enter a free advertisement ? Because thats all I was suggesting, and that suggestion was based on the claim by someone that PFK did not support or advertise the last event. George Farmer has now clarified that this information is incorrect and that they did in fact support the event, so there is no issue to argue.

If you think it costs nothing or so little to support Aquatics Live then go ahead and DIY. Let see how easy it is then.

Obviously you have not grasped what I was saying, which is understandable if English is not your native language. I dont believe anyone claimed it costs nothing or little to support AL, what was mentioned is that it costs little or nothing for a magazine to place an advertisement for an event in their own advertising space. Having several friends in the printing industry, trust me, I know that it indeed costs very little to add a page to a magazine publication.

Any company can advertise all day long, but if people like you don't buy then it is over.

Oh right, so because I dont buy PFK its my fault that AL isn't going ahead ? Thats a very juvenile attitude and not a very educated one either. There are still plenty of people who do buy the magazine, and its my choice not to. But just because some people dont buy it you are suggesting why should they bother for the ones who do ! You really have an international business ? Wow... why do you bother ? Im sure there are people who don't use your company but by your logic you should be going bust any time soon.

The reason that PFK supported Aquatics Live for two years and then retracted is because they did not get support in return. Fewer and fewer readers are buyng their magazines out competed by the Internet every day more and more.

According to George they did support it last year. So can you qualify your statement that they did not ? What support in return do they want anyway ? If fewer people read a magazine then surely they either give up (seems to be your approach) or they keep trying new things and finding new ways to improve things ?

So before anyone criticize too much and open big mouth, start your own business, support events and see how it goes.

Your obnoxious comment above is the only reason I am actually bothering to reply to your post. Before you start being all gobby and telling people they have a big mouth I suggest you learn some manners. I don't need to start my own business thank you, but I support plenty of events. As far as AL goes, it seems I wont have the opportunity doesn't it !?
But what about those scones? :lol:

Scones ? Whose making scones ? Mmmmm cheese, my favourite ! Actually Im quite gutted that the event wont be going ahead, it would have been a good opportunity to meet some new people and get some bargains from what I heard of last year. Is there really no way that organisers could find an alternative, more profitable venue ? Birmingham would actually be more sensible IMO, even though it would be further for me to travel.
apologies steve, i bought up PFK without thinking it would cause problems.
Its all about the ££ and i have sympathy for any businesses that would like to support such an event but simply cant afford the outlay with every chance of little return either on the day or retrospective sales, including said magazine. I know its not cheap taking part!

On a personal note its a great shame, no doubt our lovely founders and admins are considering other possibilities already. Maybe someone like MA would like to host a ukaps meet and have some tanks scaped on the night by our green fingered experts? What ever happens im always happy to support any such event as long as we can have a beer of 12 after 🙂

oh, not forgetting some delicious scones for gary.... and maybe an ice pack or two for any minor drink related accidents...:banghead: :lol:
Its all about the ££ and i have sympathy for any businesses that would like to support such an event but simply cant afford the outlay with every chance of little return either on the day or retrospective sales, including said magazine. I know its not cheap taking part!
This is the common sense everyone should have.
The world is in crisis and it is not easy to come up with money for big events.
I am sure better days will come again.
People can you please cut the PFK slander?
If anyone wants to moan about what they don't like please open another tread.

Honestly If I have to support any event for people to bash the crap out of me, HELL I wouldn't.

Do thousand things right and everyone "loves" you just untill you do one thing "wrong".
As said by George, this has nothing to do with pfk. It goes a little further than that. The are plenty of other ways that people can advertise successfully.

Please don't make me lock this thread.
Deleted Nanocube's useless comments as blatantly someone registering to have a pop at PFK and nothing else constructive.

I'm wielding the mod stick good and hard.

Just how we like it 🙂 And I would like to withdraw any comments aimed at PFK. They were based on the fact someone had stated that PFK had not supported/advertised the 2012 event which George has now clarified as being incorrect. Had it been true, I would stand by my remarks but as its not they are null and void 🙂

Now, onto the topic of what to do about no AL2013. Surely guys with as many contacts as the UKAPS founders can round up the troops from several of the big boys in the industry to look at an alternative. Olympia has to be one of the most expensive venues in the country ? Does it need to be there ? My guess is that there must be loads of alternatives, and probably doesn't even have to be in London. Stevenage or Luton could be good alternatives, or somewhere along that belt that has easy transport access. Im thinking if the biggies were to back the event that all the contributors and stands from previous years would take part. Maybe try and include some of the major ichthyological groups such as the BCA, BKA etc (who probably dont have significant enough funding much like UKAPS but who do have reasonable access to large numbers of fishy people) and you could find that this would work. Im just thinking pie in the sky ideas at the moment and Im sure there are brains far better than mine and better versed in organising events, but I truly believe that its still a feasible event. Whats the issue with selling fish by the way ? Fish clubs nationwide hold auctions all the time ? That ought to be a huge draw.