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Any Isopod keepers here?

How about yourself?
I have a decent sized collection, different cockroaches too, a shelf full of tubs! my favourites are Porcellio bolivari "Yellow Ghost" and Porcellio hoffmannseggii. I also placed an order yesterday for 10 Porcellio werneri which look really cool, very flat and prehistoric looking!
I have a decent sized collection, different cockroaches too, a shelf full of tubs! my favourites are Porcellio bolivari "Yellow Ghost" and Porcellio hoffmannseggii. I also placed an order yesterday for 10 Porcellio werneri which look really cool, very flat and prehistoric looking!
Do you sell isopods at all?
Do you sell isopods at all?
I do have some little colonies,
Porcellio hoffmannseggii "Sevilla Caramel"
Porcellio laevis "Orange"
Porcellio scaber
Oniscus asellus
Armadillidium maculatum "Yellow Spotted"

But at some point I will definetly also sell all other the species I have when I have enough numbers, just waiting on the babies to grow up!
I’m trying to collect a few of the more “designer” isopods with crazy colourings. Just to try and make them slightly more appealing to the family.
There are some beautiful species in the hobby, im after some of the interesting spiky species! I can imagine they might be a little more sensitive, maybe needing more stable higher humidity requirements to assist moulting.

Just some pictures from google, but these guys are some on my wishlist!
78B744FC-A0FC-4834-94E0-FA905A1077AD.jpeg lemon-blue-isopod-cubaris-sp-lemon-blue-843671.jpg.jpg P9148961.jpg
1. Laureola sp. 2. Cubaris sp. "Lemon Blue" 3. Merulanella sp.
Hello, may I ask what do you have as a substrate in your isopod terrariums/vivariums?
I got some today from AquaH from Buzzard Reptiles as they were a very reasonable price. Got some Mini Speckled ones. Only 3 adults and lots of babies in the pot of Soil.
I got some today from AquaH from Buzzard Reptiles as they were a very reasonable price. Got some Mini Speckled ones. Only 3 adults and lots of babies in the pot of Soil.
I keep meaning to pop in there. Rumour has it they've a good selection of wood/plants to pick from?
I’ve been keeping isopods for a little while now, and it’s been such a fun hobby! I started with just a couple of species I found on a site called Postpods, which has isopods for sale in the UK. They really do add a unique vibe to my little ecosystem.
At first, I was worried about how to set up their space, but they’re pretty low-maintenance. I just made sure to include some hiding spots and keep the substrate moist. Watching them scuttle around has been super entertaining. Plus, they help break down organic matter, which is great for the environment.