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Any Idea in these eggs?

H all, if we were to try brine shrimp and hatching them from eggs is it safe to feed these while in the Tupperware container? Was wondering if the salinity of the brine shrimp solution would be harmful?
Hi all,
if we were to try brine shrimp and hatching them from eggs is it safe to feed these while in the Tupperware container?
You would need to rinse them really well.

PM me your address and I send you some Micro, or Banana, worms. I've got plenty of spare cultures.

cheers Darrel
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Hi all,

You would need to rinse them really well.

PM me your address and I send you some micro, or Banana, worms. I've got plenty of spare cultures.

cheers Darrel
That's very kind of you. How do you feed these foods? Is there anything special you need to do?
Hi all,
That's very kind of you. How do you feed these foods? Is there anything special you need to do?
They are incredibly low maintenance. I'll send a care leaflet when I post them, but
That pot is ready to sub-culture, just split it 50:50 into a new pot and add some rolled oats to both cultures. I aim for a "porridge" degree of wetness. You don't need to add any yeast, it will just transfer over with the worms.

To feed the worms I use my finger, (but you can use a cotton bud etc.) and wipe it around the side of the pot where the worms are (in a layer above the culture medium). I turn the filter off and then just swirl the worms into the water column. When they've all reached the lower levels of the tank (after ~5 -10 minutes) I turn the filter back on.

cheers Darrel
Hi again, sorry but have a question again. So my son is still nursing the fry in a tupperware tub in the top of the tank and they appear to be doing well. He's currently doing daily water changes using water from the main tank where the tupperware is situated. He's noticed a fungal infection on one of his fish in the main tank and obviously wants to treat accordingly. The question is can he continue to use the medicated water from the main tanks for top ups on the fry container or should he revert to using dechlorinated tap water. Would the medication be dangerous or harmful to the fry? Treatment his has is Aquacare Anti Fungus and Whitespot.

If only one fish is affected with fungus it might not be the best option to treat the whole tank, is there any option for a hospital tank for treatment of the one fish?
If only one fish is affected with fungus it might not be the best option to treat the whole tank, is there any option for a hospital tank for treatment of the one fish?
Probably not an option for a hospital tank!
I've always used tap water that's been treated, rather than tank water, for the container fry are in. With no problems. Are you putting them straight into the main tank? What age are they now?
I've always used tap water that's been treated, rather than tank water, for the container fry are in. With no problems. Are you putting them straight into the main tank? What age are they now?
Hi, I'd say they're 12 days old. It's likely they will go straight in the main tank to start with and maybe moved later.
Hi all,
I'd say they're 12 days old. It's likely they will go straight in the main tank to start with and maybe moved later.
Tricky, I think that they are at a stage now where they really need to go into a grow-out tank. Your main tank won't work because of the Tetras etc. until they are a lot bigger.

cheers Darrel
What's the tank like? You could look at a hang on the side breeder box - the bigger ones are 2l and constantly flow the main tank water through... or you could look on facebook for something small and second hand... adding more tanks is always dangerous though.
Hi guys, just revisiting this post to let you know most of the fry are doing well but unfortunately there have been a few casualties along the way which I guess is inevitable. The survivors are heading towards 7 weeks old and doing well. My son has been feeding them the banana worms until he managed to knacker the cultures (Sorry @dw1305 and thank you for your help with this) and Interpet Liquifry. He was wondering when he could start using standard aldult foods as he's not keen on the Liquifry!
If you have cherry shrimp you can pick out a tiny baby one and add it to hoover up any left over dry food when you start feeding that.
Hi fluxtor, any chance you've managed to snap a picture? 🤔😉
Yes 🙂