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Anubias Sp, banned from UK import?

Hi all,
duncan grapefruit. that explains it.
They should be Belgian rappers, "Duncan Grapefruit and MC Pamplemousse", in fact I think I might remember their Euro-disco hit "Thai Nematodes rotted my Anubias".

But apparently the "Duncan Grapefruit" is not only the original Grapefruit, but also a parent of the "Orlando Tangelo" and "Minneola".


and the man himself - Larry Duncan <http://www.crec.ifas.ufl.edu/academics/faculty/duncan/duncan_larry.shtml>

cheers Darrel
nematodes rotted my anubias!!!!!! best thing i have seen today. not including the chisora press conference of course 🙂
Hello all,

The same problem is already for a couple of years in Holland.
The reason of the ban is a parasite on the plants, which is an important pest of bananas and will attack many other products like apple trees, grasses, coconuts and so on.
The parasite damages the roots of the plants which will be unable to take nutrition.

Like I said earlier; The same ban is active in Holland. In those years we have been succesfull in breeding Anubias Sp. ourselves. Like George said, it will be available from other sources, including Aquadip.
Ask your local supplier for our plants or get in contact with us to find your local stockist.

Hi all,
Start buying from Tropica and Aquafleur.
Does the nematodes only occur on anubias? I would have thought that other plants from the same nursery would be affected or at least contaminated.
I think Luis's is probably a good idea, tissue cultured plants would start off virus and nematode free. I'm not at all sure how long the nematode can live in the roots of aquatic plants and whether it could transfer from plant to plant in the aquarium.

The original paper says:
"To our knowledge, the only commercial aquatic plants reported as hosts of burrowing nematode (BN), Radopholus similis (Cobb) Thorne are the Anubias spp. reported in this paper.... Anubias species belong to the family Araceae and many other species in this family are good hosts of BN. ...... Radopholus similis is capable of reproducing on a wide variety of plant species in 88 families, with at least 365 species reported as hosts for the banana race and 139 species as hosts for the citrus race (Holdeman, 1986ab)."

"Aquadip-Joey" may know more, horticulture is a huge industry in the Netherlands.

cheers Darrel
Yes. Horticulture is being used a lot in Holland. Not only for breeding aquatic plants.

The reason where the radopholus is coming from is still not sure and that is the reason for the very active ban.
It is also found at some Echinodorus sp.

Hopefully studies will find the reason of the pest and even better, a cure against this!