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Another tank bites the dust. Soaked floor again..

Took a while to get trust back again i even was afraid to look at it for months.

Thanks Zozo.
That's exactly how I feel and I felt in the past when my other tank leaked and got fixed.
I've got one more year to struggle and hopefully after that I'll be able to afford one new massive tank. And I'll get a custom tank installed professionally. I went for an interview the other day and got a place on a job for June 2016, subject to me completing successfully my exams this year, the employer sponsoring my last year, so looking good. My career change at old enough age may pay off. 🙄
Luckily we have tiles on the floor and i have two large holes in the floor with heating conductors (punch a small hole in them and the water will run out of them in the crawlspace), I always wondered how 400 gallon would look on the floor:drowning::drowning:
I always wondered how 400 gallon would look on the floor:drowning::drowning:

He, he. I had to smile.
Please don't even imagine it 😀 To be honest, I wasn't worried about my carpet, my furniture, the work it took to clean it up, etc.. All I cared about was my fish getting through alive. That's my biggest fear, killing them accidentally.
I'm sure it'll be fine...but I know what zozo means...that feeling of impending doom due to previous failure isn't good😕
Well guys, bad news.

The tank just cracked. The crack is right in the middle of the bottom glass. I am emptying it right now. It's actually not leaking through the crack yet.
I am not sure what causes a crack right in the middle of the bottom glass? Either way, it's a bin material. The bottom glass is in two pieces from back to front
That's it then with my fish having their old home.
Must have been a change in stress from either the silicone drying & pulling. Or maybe as the tank wasn't flat, it had moved out of true until it blew and now it's true the base wasn't up to it.

Sucks :banghead:

Cr@p. You could glue a piece of glas over the crack and use the tank as a greenhouse and start producing plants for the next year, it will hold an inch of water surely (every cloud has a silver lining)😎
I'm willing to make a donation to you to help you get a new tank. I can't take this any longer. Send me a message. really.
Thanks very much for your generous offer genomecop. It's very much appreciated. However, I'll have to pass on it. I just won't feel comfortable taking it. I

I think I am going to setup my 80l plastic tub and put some platies in there to lessen the load on the other tank. Most of them are old anyway but I have bunch of youngsters as well. I'll also throw a few more corys in my 15G tank. And just prey that my 5f tank will hold the overstocking with a bit of extra care.
The base cracking in conjunction with silicone tearing definitely indicates stand is bowing the bottom glass sheet. Your issue is will only show once loaded. My mate had exactly the same tearing silicone and cracked base due to using a chest if drawers as a stand. One leg was collapsing along with uneven floor caused chest surface to bow ONLY when loaded or his case when he parked is a**e on it was no longer level. He built a stand, resiliconed the seam, put a piece of glass across cracked bottom and that was probably 20years ago...
OMG :sour: that realy sucks big time after all this work you've done. Man thats bad luck.. I too think it isn't the silicone causing the crack.. Rather check and double check the stand. 🙁 even if you had a little luck in this that it is the bottom plate which is sealed 360 degrees and there for probably didn't crack open, but it still sucks. In my case it was the back panel cracking open from top to bottom. that was 120 liter gushing out in les than 3 minutes.. when it's on the floor than you realise how much it actualy is, like throwing 12 buckets of water over the floor. thats a lot of mopping i can tell.. You realy don't want this happening with 100 0r 400 gallon even not with a good covering insurance..
The stand is the one that came with the tank from the manufacturer so it's build to handle this load. It doesn't look damaged in anyway. The tank was perfectly level horizontally according to the level with the water in it but I don't know if the level could measure the middle bowing as the crack is right down the middle. It looks like the legs collapsed underneath in the middle as the stand is one of these with legs on. I must check it out when we move to throw away this tank. I can't look at this tank and my fish right now suffering.
I've had way too much to handle. That's so annoying. There's no way I'll try fixing this piece of crap.
Hey guys, I just wanted to thank everyone that wanted to help and is probably worried about my fish.

So far things have stabilized and the deaths have stopped. I am really surprised at how tough my clown loaches are compared to the platies and corys. I hope that lasts.

My common pleco's fin has recovered from the big hole he had. It was really big.... He's getting on well with the bristlenose plec and if I am to venture a guess, the small bristlenose is the boss when it comes to food.

The corys I moved out because of "gasping" issues have recovered in the small tank and are getting used to it. They look happy in the finer sand and are burying half their bodies in it, they hadn't seen sand in years. The others that are still in the overstocked tank are hungry all the time, no wonder with such competition but I can't feed much. I am afraid to do so. No one is sluggish or hiding.

The broken tank is still standing empty. I couldn't convince my partner to get hamsters 🙂

All the best. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for my fish to be fine for another year.