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Another tank bites the dust. Soaked floor again..

Thanks Edvert. Thanks for the videos. I am actually not going to dismantle the panels. I can't do that myself easily. My tank is one of those that has frames all over the edges on the bottom and sides. Here is a poor picture below. See the black on the outside which actually goes around all the bottom and the vertical back edges.... The front two vertical edges are curved glass so there's no silicone in those corners. The glass is all one piece. The bottom is framed all over and it will be a very big job removing the frames, at least not easily done for someone like me that has never done it before.

I've basically just cut the silicone on the inside all over and I am hoping resealing will do the job? The white silicone you see on the picture is on the outside and it's part of the frame seal from what I see.

I have to wait until sometime next week to get at it so my partner can help me.
My poor fish in the other tank..... I think they went through some water quality hiccups. I've been doing plenty of water changes, prime, etc...but there were a few gasping corys at the surface and today a dead platy. It was probably a nitrite spike but I've got no test for it as the ammonia is 0. Doing large water changes every second day didn't prevent it unfortunately. I also only fed them every other day.

It was a funny sight today when I put two pieces of cucumber for the two plecos. They both came out within seconds. Each one of them shot at one cucumber piece each and spent the day on them. I put them on the two opposite sides of the tank so they don't fight. The bristlenose pleco normally used not to come out during the day with lights on when he didn't have competition. Right now, he's still inside that cucumber left over which is just the skin remaining in the shape of a boat. I think he's found himself a new place to sleep...
Sorry to read about the losses..I hope everything works out right next week and get it up and running again soon.. Nice pleco btw, looks very punky..
Resealing one corner or pane of glass at a time was the way I re-sealed my own tank .75 gal
This way I did not have to worry bout the silicone drying too fast.
I used the masking tape to make clean,straight seal and then moved to the next pane or edge.
Ended up housing fishes in large plastic tub about 30 U.S.gallon's.
I let the sealed tank cure for 3 day's before filling and testing for leak's.
I am filling up the tank as I type. Wish me luck 🙂
good luck
Well, the leaky corner at least didn't leak outright but it's never too late. I have it filled halfway up. I'll wait an hour then top up.

Then how many days do I wait to test it? I don't want to rush it because wet carpet, scooping substrate and fish again is not an option.
depends how big your balls are:wideyed: its just a new bead round the inside so a few days should be good. I think the recommendation is 1 week for every 1mm of glass thickness but thats for a new tank not just re sealing/beading
Thanks BC. I suppose it's a good idea to leave it for longer.

I only filled it half way. I got a bit spooked by seeing it with water again and I wouldn't be able to sleep if it was full 🙂 I'll top it up tomorrow to test the upper part.
So far so good, the bottom doesn't leak right now but I am reading up it may take up a few days if there's a problem.
If it's ok for a week I might just set it up with soil and plants and let it run without fish for a while. I would need to re-cycle the trickle filter anyway as all the media is dried up, plus the soil...
It will be tough catching the fish from the other tank so I am not looking forward to that anyway.

Today I found another dead platy. It must have been dead for a while as it was half eaten. I am not sure why they are the affected ones as they were in that tank already. There's one cory on a death bed from those that I moved because they were gasping but the rest have recovered and are good.
The tank is full now :cyclops: I never thought I'd be so scared filling up a fish tank with water 😡 I swear I was hearing noises while it was filling up, as if the tank glass was sort of settling....

And here is a glimpse of my job. It's not really noticeable that it was me who did the silicone 😛
I also forgot to mention, I moved all my ottos in one of my small tanks from the leaky tank, in with the kuhli loaches, and they have been doing great. They've been daily feeding on spirulina sticks, now that they are not bothered by the other fish and I think they'll stay there for good because at least they can get to the food in there. It's the only food they ever went for but my clown loaches really love the sticks too, and the plecos. And it's lovely seeing 7 ottos together interacting with each other and being brave fighting the evicted male platy for food. One day I'll just have a tank full of ottos.
It's been all day, tank still holding :yuck:

But there's one more dead platy stuck on the filter intake :rage: It seems they didn't do well with whatever ammonia/nitrite spike was going on. Poor things.

Also, someone has eaten about half the amazon swords. I just picked out about 10 munched leaves but the small plec used to do that anyway.
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I'll cross my fingers for you and hope to see your tank shining again in a few days. It's an exiting period for yuo i can imagine. Ive once had a tank spontainiously cracking open standing next to it and it was only about 120 liters in the living room. That was a flush and rush ill never forget. I replaced it with a 250 liters after that.. Took a while to get trust back again i even was afraid to look at it for months.