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Critique my hardscape And Help!!

Apart from the visual thing, your substrate depth may frustrate you when trying to plant. Maybe use what you have all in that back left corner and do epiphytes elsewhere to give you more to plant into? Not sure that back wall toward the right is going to be much use to you
Forgot to address this, sorry 😔
I dug most of the fluval stratum back up last night and added this tropica substrate that was to be complemented under gravel. It seems to have increased the height and does wonders for the plants in my other tanks.
Attached a file of the scape with quick markup to dictate where the plants will go.
Blue - background say heteranthera zosterfolia
Red - epiphytes like trident java fern or anubias
Purple - foreground thinking crypts and this echinodorus like plant I have
Green - kinda anticipated this, never grew a carpet before as they melted, probably due to the negligence on my part not paying attention to the growing conditions!! But I think I have a bit more experience now so I might make a mixed carpet, which is what I'm trying to do. Eleocharis near the foreground maybe? Mariselia hirutsa (don't know the spelling 😛) or something like that towards the front OR maybe a carpet of java moss (seen the how to article in the forum, + riccia).
Just checked dept at back around 2 inches where it heads out to a gradient of an inch towards the front and right corner.
In my opinion I think the tank is too small for a full blown co2 system so I might make those DIY yeast ones. Sorry for not mentioning 😬 @richardcunliffe


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Thinking about this pack along with H.zosterfolia and echinodorus like plant I have
Been thinking about the final result for days on end!! But I really can't play the waiting game, came to LFS for some plants, yet to no avail! All where dying, melting after weeks of the shipment... No Bug bites for my gouramis either 😢
These two will compliment the scape, won't they?
Nymphoides hydrophylla - background to mid ground, maybe even background if I trim Heteranthera Zosterfolia and make it bushier
Heteranthera Zosterfolia - background
Small Echinodorus/Crypt-like plant - unsure of what it is but seems to be doing well in my low tech nano
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis - foreground
Wanted to keep the scheme small and simple as the main focus should be the hardscape and the fish (centerpiece - rams or gouramis, possibly)
Are these compatible for a low tech setup, with little - to no CO2? or should I create a DIY system from yeast to supplement (carpet) growth and colour
Lighting reccomendations?
Ferts, or none?
What are your experiences with growing these?
Personally I didn't have much luck with lilaeopsis. It basically did nothing (didn't grow, didn't exactly die either, but didn't carpet as hoped) in my first low tech set up and I've not tried since. Maybe a hair grass would work better? Marsilea crenata worked a bit better in the short term and seems to like running out into the sand for me, but long term hasn't been great. The long game I think I'm playing in my current set up is to go for a parva carpet. In your layout I'm not sure you need a carpet?
What are the tank dims? Looks shallow from from the photos?
Someone will have some good ideas.
I was thinking for a tallish carpet through lilaeopsis by the back, half way right and marsilea hirsuta at the front left area (facing); but had to stick to my budget, fish in my LFS are quite expensive.
Personally I didn't have much luck with lilaeopsis. It basically did nothing
Might need to use CO2 for carpeting 😵‍💫
Tank dimensions, around 60cm long 30cm wide 30cm tall give or take a few cm
Towards sidetracking but a few questions:
  • 10 to 15? neon tetras or similar, 15 might be on the large side
  • a pair of Electric Blue Rams
  • and as you suggested! 4 or so corydoras possibly Panda or Sterbai, but I'll mainly look out for pygmy corydoras, or I was thinking otocinclus to keep algae issues at bay but at that point what would be the point of a sand bay
Strayed away from endlers and guppies as they've 'overun' my other tanks and I want a change this time!
  • a couple of rasboras, probably 6-8 harlequin rasboras or 10+ chilli rasboras or a small group of dwarf neon rainbows
  • a few? or a pair of dwarf gouramis
  • cherry shrimp or some bottom dwellers
Forward: opinions?
2) In your experience was Dennerle, if anyone has ordered any products, tissue culture plants quality/good for value? Ordered the above
3) Buy livestock from:
- Pets at home, cheaper definitely
-LFS, specialised
Good experience from both, but any problems faced
Hi all 🙂, after a while, I'm back with the entire scape, 1 month or so in, which seems to be growing in OK. Settled on: cuttings from another tank: Heteranthera Zosterfolia, with some weird kinda echinodorus/crypt like plant (I honestly don't know), which seems to do.. horrible!(more on that in a bit). Also purchased Nymphoides H Taiwan and Lillaeopsis Brasiliensis both from Dennerle plants. Lights aren't on for much, just put them on in the evening and when I'm just glaring at it for any things I should've told my past self to change - and don't get me started on the list.. No CO2 either, I might install a basic DIY CO2 for a bit, just to kickstart the Lilaeopsis growth, just as @richardcunliffe mentioned, not really carpeting but sending out occasional runners 😕, which seems to grow unbearably slowly. Every plant (fairly lightly planted) seems to be doing just fine, getting that bushy growth from H Zosterfolia, every plant EXCEPT that crypt like thing.. Seemed to have neglected any pruning duties whatsoever and effectively looks like paper triangles bundled in thread (not the best comparison but fair).. so fragile and deteriorating with diatoms and what not on surfaces. It seems to have melted.. And just to clarify there were 3 of it. The one at the back does fine, seems to be rooting well and releases runners; whereas the others 2 planted into the substrate in between the hardscape is doing horribly with algae covering all leaves and stuff. Now, back to the reason why I hadn't posted updates for a while. First off, the usual family business, work hurts the head and it was way too embarrassing to show the tank in the starting stages! Decided to try fish in cycling, with a hardy endler, jumped straight to adding a couple more, way too quickly and this led to a vorticella 'outbreak'. Next off, there was brown kind of algae, easy to remove yet persistent. Now there's a subtle hair algae growth in the tank, but quite localised and I just cut away affected leaves. Still suffering, lightly, to this day! Detritus worms, which at the moment are getting massacred by the neons and freshwater limpets hitchhiked a ride on the plants should I keep them in? I'm not really too happy with the look, but fish seem to be doing good! Added 5 endler guppies (which actually gave ANOTHER batch of a dozen or so fry (where fry left to their own devices and seem to grow much more quicker than my boring grow out tank)) along with 8 neon tetras, with no casualties thus far! Spotted Similis corys in my LFS and they look adorable, was thinking of a small group of these, or maybe stick with my original plan of Pygmy Corys, and probably a pair of rams too... Thank you all for your help!! :thumbup:
Pics below, taken on a pretty trash camera, and not the best cameraman but still ok..
1) taken on vibrancy shot = 'hurts my eyes'
2) auto = better (horrible at taking pictures, never focused well..)
3) and 4) neons come to say hi
5)neons also come to say high, plants are doing ok
6) feeding frenzy - these little piranhas
7) main structure


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Hurray for plants, it's going to look nice once they give you a bit of height on the left.
At the risk of asking the obvious, how fa away is that radiator?